
  • 网络NEPA;National Environmental Policy Act
  1. 因为有《国家环境政策法》,至少一些环境方面不正当的工程的确是被废止了或没有开工。

    At least some environmentally unjustifiable projects surely have either been abandoned or never begun because of NEPA .

  2. 把某一工程进行分割,是回避《国家环境政策法》的一种手段。

    Segmentation of a project is one means of evading NEPA .

  3. 然后,我们将论述《国家环境政策法》(NEPA)中所规定的联邦机构必须遵守的特殊诉讼程序。

    We will then consider the special procedures imposed on federal agencies by the National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA ) .

  4. 1969年美国制定了《国家环境政策法》(NEPA),经过30多年的实践,规制影响评价制度在美国已形成了较为成熟的理论分析框架,并在规制实践中得到了较为广泛的应用。

    American formulated National Environmental Policy Act in 1969 , after 30 years of practice , Regulatory Impact Assessment system of American has formed a comparatively mature theoretical analysis framework and have been used in a wide range .

  5. 这似乎是从本质上损害了《国家环境政策法》的意图。

    This seems to substantially undermine the purposes of NEPA .

  6. 《国家环境政策法》中,环境影响报告书条款并没涉及司法实施。

    The EIS provision in NEPA makes no reference to judicial enforcement .

  7. 美国《国家环境政策法》的实施效果与历史局限性

    Implementation Effectiveness and Historic Limitations of National Environmental Policy Act of United States

  8. 但它自己却从未支持过《国家环境政策法》诉讼。

    It never once has upheld a NEPA claim .

  9. 依据《国家环境政策法》的起诉的确引起了一些工程实质性的拖延。

    NEPA litigation does cause substantial delays in a significant number of projects .

  10. 这将会挫败《国家环境政策法》的意图。

    This would defeat the purpose of NEPA .

  11. 联邦工程很少有因为《国家环境政策法》的禁令而停工的。

    Very few federal projects have actually been halted by permanent injunctions based on NEPA .

  12. 自从《国家环境政策法》通过之后,法院已经按照法律根据判决了12例案件。

    Since NEPA was passed , the Court has decided twelve NEPA cases on the merits .

  13. 最高法院对待法令的态度很难提高《国家环境政策法》的效力。

    The Supreme Court 's attitude toward that statute can hardly have increased NEPA 's effectiveness .

  14. 《国家环境政策法》经常被作为对租赁和开发联邦土地提出质疑的法律基础。

    NEPA frequently serves as the legal base for challenges to proposals for leasing and development of federally owned lands .

  15. 《国家环境政策法》要求考虑目前实行决定所产生的直接影响,也需要考虑未来风险形成以后所可能产生的影响。

    NEPA requires consideration of the direct effects of present physical actions and of the possible effects should future risks materialize .

  16. 然而,在着手讨论环境影响报告书规定之前,有必要回顾一下《国家环境政策法》的其他一些条款。

    Before turning to the EIS requirement , however , it is worth reviewing some of the other provisions of NEPA .

  17. 除此以外,所有联邦的行政机构都受《国家环境政策法》的限制。

    In addition , all federal agencies are restricted by a statute known as the national environmental policy act or nepa .

  18. 《国家环境政策法》中较多的诉讼与是否充分考虑了环境影响因素有关。

    Much litigation under NEPA relates to whether factors such as these have been given adequate consideration in environmental impact statements .

  19. 《国家环境政策法》的一个重要结果是确保每个机构有权考虑自身行为所造成的环境后果。

    One important result of NEPA is to ensure that every agency has the authority to consider the environmental consequences of its actions .

  20. 1970年国家环境政策法成立了环境保护局以实施有关环境的联邦法律。

    National Environmental Policy Act ( 1970 ) established the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) to enforce federal laws that involve the environment .

  21. 在大都市爱迪生一案之前,最高法院曾碰到两次与《国家环境政策法》初始要求有关的问题。

    Prior to Metropolitan Edison , the Supreme Court had been confronted with issues relating to NEPA 's threshold requirements on only two occasions .

  22. 如今,一部类似《国家环境政策法》或是《濒危物种法》的联邦法律会成为壁垒,堵住水坝的生路。

    Today a rampart of federal legislation , such as the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act , would block the way .

  23. 美国《国家环境政策法》规定在进行环境影响评价的过程中必须考虑建议行动的替代方案。

    The National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA ) prescribed that the Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) must consider the alternatives to the proposed action .

  24. 尽管这一规定后来被环境质量委员会废除,一些下级法院认为《国家环境政策法》仍然要求讨论“最坏个案”。

    Although the regulation was later rescinded by ceq , some lower courts held that the " worst case " discussion was still required by nepa .

  25. 大多数观点认为,《国家环境政策法》确实把实质性的限制强加给了机构,如果机构违犯了这些限制的话,机构的行为必然受到司法审查。

    The majority view was apparently that NEPA does impose substantive limits on agencies and that agency action is subject to judicial review if it transgresses these limits .

  26. 总的来讲,法院相信在《国家环境政策法》中美国国会所讲到的是自然环境可以说是我们周围的世界。

    Generally speaking , however , the court believed that in nepa " congress was talking about the physical Environment-The world around us , so to speak " .

  27. 在最高法院的起诉权决议之后,该案被发回地区法院。地区法院认为“州际商会”未能遵守《国家环境政策法》。

    After the Supreme court 's standing decision , the case was remanded to the district court which held that the ICC had failed to comply with nepa .

  28. 在《国家环境政策法》通过以前,一些机构争辩说,在考虑环境方面问题时,他们缺乏法令的权威性,即使他们想这样做也不行。

    Prior to the passage of NEPA , some agencies contended that they lacked the statutory authority to consider environmental issues even if they wanted to do so .

  29. 至此,简要地总结一下对《国家环境政策法》的讨论或许有用。这里将介绍与《国家环境政策法》有关的最重要的一系列问题。

    It may be useful at this point to summarize briefly the discussion of NEPA . This brings us to the most important set of issues relating to NEPA .

  30. 正如我们所看到的,当某个机构就联邦政府具有实质性的环境影响的重要决定提出报告时,《国家环境政策法》就要求提出一个环境影响报告书。

    As we have seen , NEPA requires an EIS when an agency has made a report on a proposal for a major federal action with a substantial environmental impact .