
  • 网络ICG;the International Crisis Group
  1. 位于叙利亚的国际危机组织(InternationalCrisisGroup)资深分析人员PeterHarling表示,

    Peter Harling , a senior analyst on Iraq with the International Crisis Group , based in Syria , says

  2. 国际危机组织(InternationalCrisisGroup)非洲项目主任康福特•埃罗(ComfortEro)表示,外界普遍认为,中国在非洲似乎正让美国黯然失色。

    There is a general sense that China appears to be eclipsing America in Africa , said Comfort Ero , Africa programme director at the International Crisis Group .

  3. 智库国际危机组织(InternationalCrisisGroup)在上月的一份报告中写道:制裁使得缅甸与西方断绝了经济和外交上的联系,从而推动该国在经济和政治上更接近中国。

    By closing off economic and diplomatic engagement with the west , sanctions have pushed [ Burma ] economically and politically closer to China , the International Crisis Group think-tank wrote in a report last month .

  4. 国际危机组织(internationalcrisisgroup)在今年早些时候的一份报告中指出,长期隐而未发的政治纷争将重新出现,加上splm的“专横作派”,这会扼住各项制度的“咽喉”。

    A report by the International Crisis Group earlier this year noted the return of long-simmering political disputes , alongside " a domineering approach " from the SPLM , saying it has " a chokehold " on institutions .

  5. 国际危机组织的东南亚地区负责人吉姆·德拉·贾克马通过Skype表示尽管战斗仍然继续,仍然会有一项和平协议。

    ICG 's Southeast Asia project director Jim Della-Giacoma says via Skype that despite the fighting , there could still be a peace deal .

  6. 国际危机组织(internationalcrisisgroup)的朝鲜专家丹尼尔品克斯顿(danielpinkston)警告说,如果禁止朝鲜船只进入韩国领海,可能会导致朝鲜方面关闭领空,尽管朝方每年从经飞经航班中赚取数百万美元。

    The decision to ban their entry could prompt Pyongyang to block flights even thought the North earned several million dollars each year in overflight fees , warned Daniel Pinkston , a North Korea expert at the International Crisis Group .

  7. 国际危机组织的RobertMalley说的是与突尼斯非常接近的面临同样问题,然而对美国来说风险更高的一些国家。

    Robert Malley of the International Crisis Group is talking about countries very close to Tunisia that have had the same kinds of problems , but where the are much higher for America .

  8. 国际危机组织的阿富汗分析家CandaceRondeaux称,由于在阿富汗人民的心目中,美国和卡尔扎伊不可分割,现在美国处于非常尴尬的位置。

    Afghan analyst Candace Rondeaux of the International Crisis Group says that puts the United States in an position because the U.S. and Mr. Karzai are linked in Afghan minds .

  9. 国际危机组织的索马里问题专家阿比迪说,沙巴布允许运送救援物资的决定并不代表该组织在意识形态方面的转变。

    International Crisis Group Somalia expert Rashid Abdi says al-Shabab 's decision to allow aid does not represent an ideological shift .

  10. 国际危机组织驻首尔分析员平克斯顿指出,各国谈判代表还有许多年的工作要做。

    A Seoul-based analyst for the International Crisis Group , Daniel Pinkston , says , years of work lie ahead for negotiators .

  11. 平克斯顿是“国际危机组织”驻首尔的分析人士。他推测,华盛顿和平壤很快会就核实核清单的问题达成一项妥协性协议。

    Dan Pinkston , a Seoul-based analyst with the International Crisis Group , speculates Washington and Pyongyang may soon reach a verification compromise .

  12. 但是国际危机组织的分析师诺亚·邦什表示,美国的支持对温和反对派是有好处的,而且扩大了温和反对派的队伍。

    But U.S. support has benefits and has boosted the ranks of moderate rebel groups , says Noah Bonsey , an analyst with the International Crisis Group .

  13. 据一份出自于一个叫国际危机组织的智囊团所写的报告称,目前的军事政权正处于历史的巅峰时期。

    The military regime , says a recent report by the international crisis group , a think-tank , is as strong as at any time in the countrys history .

  14. 据国际危机组织的报告表示,美国是联合军事行动中心的“主要参与者”,这也得到了在这个项目中受益的反对派的证实。

    The U.S. is a " leading participant " in the MOC , according to a report by the International Crisis Group , confirmed by rebels who are recipients of the program .

  15. 国际危机组织的拉希德阿卜迪说,青年党还失去了很多宗派领袖和地方社区的支持,他们谴责青年党造成目前的危机。

    Rashid Abdi of the International Crisis Group says al-Shabab has also lost a lot of support from clan leaders and local communities , who blame the group for the current crisis .

  16. 上周,布鲁塞尔的一个研究机构——国际危机组织,对持续活动的武装组织进行了警告,这些武装组织有的是支持政府,有的是支持反对派。

    Last week , the International Crisis Group , a research organization based in Brussels , warned of the ongoing mobilization of armed groups in the country supporting both the government and opposition .

  17. 国际危机组织的恐怖主义分析专家琼斯说,现在就将星期天的袭击与穆斯林和基督徒间过去几星期发生的其他袭击联系起来还言之过早。

    Sidney Jones , a terrorism analyst from the International Crisis Group , says it is still premature to link Sunday 's attack to other attacks between Muslims and Christians in recent weeks .

  18. 国际危机组织的伊朗分析家阿里·维兹表示,如果鲁哈尼开始强调伊朗在没有协议的情况下如何取得进展,那就表明资深政治家处于守势,而强硬派将加强他们的攻势。

    Iran analyst Ali Vaez , with the International Crisis Group , says if Rouhani begins to emphasize how Iran might proceed in the absence of a deal , that will be a sign that the veteran politician is on the defensive as hardliners step up their attacks .

  19. 国际危机研究组织东北亚项目主管StephanieT.Kleine-Ahlbrandt说:这是我们在近几年看到的(来自中国的)最强烈的回应。

    " This is the strongest reaction we ` ve seen in recent years ," northeast Asia project director for the International Crisis Group , Stephanie T. Kleine-Ahlbrandt said .

  20. 一直被国际人权组织誉为一名改革者的总统吴登盛将在2013年4月接受国际危机组织的最高荣誉追求和平奖。

    President Thein Sein has been lauded as a reformer by international rights groups , and is slated to receive the International Crisis Group 's highest honor , the Pursuit of Peace Award in April 2013 .