
  1. 开拓创新,实施国家康居示范工程,促进住宅产业现代化

    Implement State Housing Pilot Project in Pioneering and Innovatory Spirit to Promote Housing Industry Modernization

  2. 建造高品质住宅引领住宅产业发展&国家康居示范工程创建实践的启示

    Construct High-quality Housing and Lead Housing Industrial Development & Inspiration from National Comfortable Housing Demonstration Project Practice

  3. 开拓创新促进产业现代化&国家康居示范工程与住宅产业化技术创新大会在宁召开

    Blaze New Trials in Pioneering Spirit to Promote Housing Industry Modernization & Conference of State Housing Pilot Project and Technical Innovation for Housing Industrialization Held in Nanjing

  4. 从大和实验住宅到国家康居示范工程&浅论成套技术体系与住宅研究新概念

    From Daiwa Experimental Housing to National Demonstrated Project for the Better-Off Life ─ A Preliminary View on the Packaged Technology System & the New Concept in Housing Researches

  5. 2000年初,建设部根据《全国住宅小区智能化系统示范工程建设要点与技术导则》(以下简称导则)批准7个居住小区为国家康居示范工程智能化系统示范小区。

    At the beginning of 2000 , according to the ( below the brief name is prelude ), Construction Department confirm 7 housing district as the country demonstrative health engineering , which they have demonstrative intelligent system .

  6. 面对新的时局,全面实现小康社会的家居生活,国家康居示范工程明确了新的目标,即:高舒适程度、高功能配置、高性能标准、高质量保障、高技术集成。

    In face of the new situation , to fully realize a well-off society 's domestic life , the National Comfortable Housing Demonstration Project has defined new objectives , i.e. high comfort degree , high function configuration , high performance standards , high quality assurance and high technical integration .