
  • 网络nation branding;Nation Brand;National Brand
  1. 另外,国家品牌和城市品牌两个指针也被用于评价中国游客对捷克共和国和布拉格的认知程度。

    Furthermore , the Nation Branding Index and the City Branding Index were used to evaluate the perception of the Chinese people towards the Czech Republic and Prague respectively .

  2. 本篇论文应用了国家品牌理论,以欧盟为主品牌的捷克,传递的是一种提供高质量服务及治安良好的印象。

    Nation branding theory was applied in this thesis , using the European Union ( EU ) as a master brand of Czech , and transferring the image of high quality services and safety to Czech .

  3. 撇开争议不谈,这届世界杯肯定不是已经注定了要失败的命运,以编撰国家品牌指数(CountryBrandIndex)著称的未来品牌战略咨询公司(FutureBrand)执行董事古斯塔沃o康尼斯奇泽尔这样说道。

    Controversy aside , the event is certainly not doomed to fail , says Gustavo Koniszczer , managing director at branding firm FutureBrand , which compiles a Country Brand Index .

  4. 其六,基于行业合作实现国家品牌。

    Sixth , realizes the national brand based on the profession cooperation .

  5. 2005年,我展开了一项称为“国家品牌指数”的研究。

    In 2005 , I launched a study called the Nation Brands Index .

  6. 多年来国家品牌指数变成了一个非常非常庞大的数据库。

    And the Nation Brands Index over the years has grown to be a very , very large database .

  7. 随着品牌竞争力发展全球化的日趋加深,各国对国家品牌的培育均给予了广泛的重视。

    With the increasing intensification of globalization of brand competitiveness , countries pay more attention to cultivating national brands .

  8. 在2013年拉美版国家品牌指数中,巴西位列首位,阿根廷和哥斯达黎加紧随其后。

    In the 2013 Latin American version of the Country Brand Index , Brazil ranks first , after Argentina and Costa Rica .

  9. 人们会根据电视剧里的描写来设想韩国,这是很好的国家品牌宣传。周颖说。

    South Korea is imagined in accordance with those depictions in TV dramas , which is good national branding , says Zhou .

  10. 然后根据国际分工发展趋势和世界制造中心转移趋势,分析了塑造中国制造这一国家品牌的意义;

    Then a detail analysis is carried on , indicating the division of international labor trends and the world manufacturing center transforming trends .

  11. 伴随着国家品牌战略的实施和经济危机的影响,国内外品牌并购进入了活跃期。

    Along with the practice of nation brand strategy and the long-run effect of financial crisis , the brand merger acquisition ( M A ) is more vigorous .

  12. 该项目所处区域靠山、临水、背靠自然保护区、地质公园、风景名胜区、森林公园四大国家品牌。

    The location of this project againsts mountains and national brands of nature reserve , geoparks , scenic sites and forest park , and also faces with water .

  13. 我国国家品牌竞争力缺乏竞争优势,为培养我国国家品牌,应大力发展区域经济,培育区域品牌。

    Our nation brands lack competitive advantage , in order to cultivate our nation brands , we should make every effort to develop the regional economy and regional brands .

  14. 上述研究表明:由于原产地效应的存在,国家品牌和产业品牌在很多情况下对消费者购买外国产品决策的影响作用比企业品牌显著。

    The results show that : in many cases of buying foreign products , the national brand and industry brand factors are more significance than the company brand factors .

  15. 拥有良好国家品牌形象的国家,在占领国际市场、吸引外资和国际游客等方面,具有显著的竞争优势。

    States with a good country image have significant competitive advantages on attracting foreign investment and international visitors as well as increasing the product market share in the international market .

  16. 对英国而言,关键是树立国家品牌,打造安全而令人激动的学习目的地,提供丰富多彩的人生阅历和更加美好的职业前景。

    It is crucial for the UK to build a national brand as a safe and exciting place to study , offering a rich life experience and enhanced career prospects .

  17. 虽然科斯韦没有在中国物理存储的是,它已经建立了一个世界上人口最多的国家品牌的存在-互联网感谢。

    Although Cosway does not have physical stores in China yet , it has already built a brand presence in the world 's most populous country – thanks to the Internet .

  18. 这使我们得以获知不同种类、不同国家品牌在重要性上的差异、消费者最重视因素的变化,以及品牌相对于价格、销售渠道等其它因素的作用。

    This allows us to capture differences in the importance of brands by category and by country , changes in customer priorities , and the role of brand versus other factors such as price and distribution .

  19. 最后重点论述影响品牌文化价值主张的两个因素,一是宏观的国家品牌特性因素,即企业是否应该主张与国家品牌特性一致的价值主张;

    At last , two factors that affect brand culture 's values proposition are given . One is macro-factor , national brand characteristic , which whether companies should propose the same values as national brand characteristic is studied .

  20. 在WTO框架内,通过对品牌的分类研究以及借鉴其它国家的品牌扶持经验,提出政府应该通过提供公共服务(建设公共性品牌和群体性品牌)来扶持盈利性品牌的建设。

    Learning from other countries experiences of brand supporting , this paper classifies brands into three sorts and provides that the government should offer public services , such as public brand building and collective brand building , to promote company or product brand building according to the rules of WTO .

  21. 一线治疗方案使用的印度ARV一直比其他国家的品牌药物便宜很多。

    The Indian ARVs used in the first line of treatment were " consistently and considerably " less expensive than the " branded " drugs produced by other countries .

  22. 中国作为以制造业为主的国家,品牌却是其弱项。

    China as a manufacturing country , the brand has its weaknesses .

  23. 对澳大利亚国家旅游品牌全球营销策略分析

    An analysis of Australia 's tourism brands global marketing strategies

  24. 许多国家的品牌建议每杯一汤匙。

    Many national brands recommend one tablespoon per cup .

  25. 这种“中国造”国家级品牌,对推动中国的建筑设计水平有作用吗?

    Will this kind of'Made in China'national brand be promotive to Chinese design capability ?

  26. 到2000年底,有31尼禄咖啡商店,并已成为一个国家的品牌。

    By the end of2000 , Caff è Nero had31 stores and had become a national brand .

  27. 现正考取国家首批品牌管理师职业资格证书,加强自己的专业技能。

    I 'm going to get 1st national brand manager career certification now to intensify my professional skill .

  28. “渤海”品牌被评为国家畅销品牌和山东省著名商标,企业综合实力位居国内同行业前列。

    " Bohai " brand was elected National salable brand and Shandong province famous brand , its general strength stands in the front rank in the same line .

  29. 其三,要努力创造自己国家的品牌,并打入国际市场和占领新兴市场。主要是中国、俄罗斯市场。

    Thirdly , autochthonous national brands should be created and then the overseas markets should be entered and occupied , for instance , market of China and Russia .

  30. 为了在全球范围内推动中国的国家白酒品牌,中国最受欢迎的酒品牌茅台将成立一所大学传授与酒相关的科学。

    China 's most popular spirit brand , Moutai , will establish a college to teach wine-related science , in an effort to promote China 's national liquor brand worldwide .