
  • 网络domestic airline;domestic flight;domestic route
  1. 这是今年3月在印度国内航线采取的一系列措施中的一部分,目的就是保护单独出行的女性乘客。

    It 's part of a series of measures introduced in March 2017 by the domestic airline to protect solo female fliers .

  2. 本文正是在这种背景下,运用理论研究和实证分析相结合的方法,重点研究以经营国内航线为主的区域航空公司的收益管理方法。对收益管理理论的内涵作了全面的分析。

    The thesis focuses on the research of regional airlines ' RM practices based on domestic airline market by adopting the methods that combining the theoretical research and empirical analysis . A comprehensive analysis on the connotation of RM theory is given in the article .

  3. PC航空公司不仅有泰国国内航线,还有几条亚洲航线,包括日本和韩国。词汇点津:ladyboy人妖

    PC Air flies domestically as well as to several Asian destinations , including Japan and South Korea .

  4. peach与日本亚洲航空不仅将目光放在了国内航线上,它们还将目光投向了东京到首尔(离日本最近的外国首都)的航线。

    Peach and Air Asia Japan have their sights not only on domestic flights but also on the route between Tokyo and Seoul , the nearest foreign capital .

  5. ARC的研究显示,美国国内航线的最好价格出现在航班起飞日的前八周,而最低的国际航班价格出现在起飞日的前24周。

    ARC 's study revealed that the best deals for US domestic routes were found eight weeks before the date of departure , while the lowest fares for international destinations were found 24 weeks in advance .

  6. 据深航透露,这些外籍飞行员将主要飞国内航线。

    These foreign pilots will mainly fly domestic flights , according to Shenzhen Airlines .

  7. 中国大陆国内航线的限定使用日期同样适用国际航线中的国内段。

    Blackout dates of China domestic routes also apply to China domestic sector of international routes .

  8. 而将原油在国内航线运输属于粗放型、高耗、低效的运输方式。

    The oil in the domestic coast line transport is high consumption , and inefficient approach .

  9. 她在国内航线上服务。

    She 's in domestic service .

  10. 目前这三架新舟60已经成为津国内航线的主力机型。

    At present , the three MA60 have become the main model for domestic routes in Zimbabwe .

  11. 中国主要航空公司已经在今年第三次对国内航线增加燃油附加费了。

    Major Chinese airliners have increased their fuel surcharges for domestic routes for the third time this year .

  12. 根据政府监管规定的要求,该公司计划运营国内航线两年时间,然后开通国际航班。

    It plans to run domestic routes for two years before it flies abroad , as required by government regulations .

  13. 后来玛丽离开他到布斯国内航线工作,为了避免孤独凄凉的晚年生活,他便同他的女管家结了婚。

    When Mary left him to work in domestic service , a solitary old age seemed in prospect for Jack .

  14. 据《上海日报》报道,国内航线燃油附加费小幅下调之后,乘坐飞机出行将比之前略微便宜。

    Flying will become slightly cheaper for passengers as Chinese airlines trimmed fuel surcharges for domestic flights , Shanghai Daily reported .

  15. 目前,全省已建成9个民用机场,开通87条国际国内航线。

    At present , with nine airports built , 87 international , or regional and domestic air routes have been opened .

  16. 除国内航线以外,大韩航空计划运营中短程国际航线,以满足不断增长的需求。

    Korean Air plans to operate short and medium-haul international routes as well as domestic ones to cater for surging demand .

  17. 而相比之下,对北美国内航线和国内机场的期望值就只能停留在忍受,而不是享受阶段了。

    By contrast , domestic North American flights and airports are parts of the trip you generally expect to endure rather than enjoy .

  18. 自从2007年与印度人航空公司——专营国内航线的国有航空公司——的一次灾难性合并以来,印度航空公司的亏损额不断增长(见图表)。

    Its losses have ballooned since a disastrous 2007 merger with Indian Airlines , its state-owned counterpart for domestic routes ( see chart ) .

  19. 2017年起,政府定义的已经形成竞争的国内航线将会允许航空公司自主定价。

    Beginning next year , airlines will be allowed to determine the ticket prices for routes that the government defines as having competition among carriers .

  20. 汕头机场开通国际国内航线四十四条,旅客吞吐量在全国民航系统居十一位。

    Shantou airport has opened 44 international and domestic air routes , and its passenger throughput ranks 11th in the nation 's civil aviation system .

  21. 预期将裁减三分之一的员工,削减二十多条国际和国内航线。

    About a third of the work force is expected to be cut , along with more than a score of international and domestic routes .

  22. 不过,民航总局还表示,各航空公司(尤其是三大航空港公司)需要进一步削减国内航线,以便减轻首都机场的拥堵状况。

    But it said airlines , particularly the big three carriers , would be required to cut domestic routes further in order to reduce congestion in the capital .

  23. 但是他并未透露买家的名字。他同时表示交易符合政府关于国外公司不得控股国内航线股份超过49%的规定。

    Mr Wibowo said the stake sale was in accordance with government regulations , which require that the ownership of a foreign party in a domestic airline is limited to49 percent .

  24. 目前,航空公司仅有权决定其国内航线的最低票价,国内航线的最高票价以及国际航线票价需执行政府指导价。

    Currently , carriers can only determine the lowest price for their domestic flights . The highest price for such flights and prices for international services are controlled by the government .

  25. 新疆已开通国际国内航线三十三条,拥有十五个开放口岸,成为中国边境口岸最多的省区之一。

    Xinjiang has already opened up 33 international and domestic flight routes , owns 15 open ports . It has become one of China 's provinces and regions having the most border ports .

  26. 优势是:最大基地航空公司的实力雄厚;A机场国内航线比较丰富、市场占有率较高;服务水平较高;具有品牌优势。

    The advantages are : the largest base airlines is powerful ; the domestic flights of A Airport is abundant and higher market share ; higher level of service ; the brand is better .

  27. 中国南航上周通知旅行社,乘坐改名为公务舱的乘客将获得头等舱级别服务。此次更名针对国内航线窄体客机,将于10月26日生效。

    China Southern told travel agents last week that passengers using the renamed business class , which will be available on narrow-body jets flying domestic routes , will receive the same service as first-class customers . The change takes effect on October 26 .

  28. 布莱顿表示,没有必要在“美国人每次想要加强飞往美国的航班安检时屈从他们”,特别是当美国在国内航线上都没有实施这些安检措施的时侯。

    Mr Broughton said there was no need to " kowtow to the Americans every time they wanted something done " to beef up security on US-bound flights , especially when this involved checks the US did not impose on its own domestic routes .

  29. 国内班轮航线配船研究

    AIRLINE Research on assignment of domestic liners

  30. 2020年起,国内所有航线客运票价将由航空公司自主制定。

    Starting in 2020 , they will be allowed to decide the prices for all routes .