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guó jiāo
  • diplomatic relations between nations;diplomatic relations between countries
国交 [guó jiāo]
  • [diplomatic relations between countries] 国与国间的交往。即今之外交

国交[guó jiāo]
  1. 对我国交直传动电力机车型谱的分析

    Study of the AC DC drive electric locomotive spectrum

  2. 我国交直交干线电力机车中的若干技术问题

    Certain technical issues on main line ac dc ac electric locomotives in China

  3. 首先,在选题上,对于如何规范与完善我国交强险制度的问题进行了有益的探索。

    Firstly , on topic selection , this thesis emphasize on how to standardize and improve the Traffic Accident Compulsory Insurance in our country .

  4. 林前十五24再后,是末期,那时基督要将国交与神,就是父,那时他已将一切执政的、掌权的、有能的都废除了。

    Cor.15:24 Then the end , when He delivers up the kingdom to His God and Father , once He has abolished all rule and all authority and power .

  5. 2006年7月1日《机动车交通事故责任强制保险条例》的施行,标志着我国交强险法律制度的正式确立。

    Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Act has been taken into effect on July 1st , 2006 , indicates formal establishment of the legal system of Traffic Compulsory Insurance in China .

  6. 分析对比中外(地区)机动车第三者责任强制保险制度,特别是其中交强险免责的相关规定,有利于我们借鉴国外先进的经验,促进我国交强险免责理论实践的深度发展。

    Analysis and comparison of China and foreign motor vehicle compulsory third party liability insurance system , helps us learn from advanced foreign experience , promote such an insurance system in depth development .

  7. 再后末期到了,那时,基督既将一切执政的,掌权的,有能的,都毁灭了,就把国交与父神。

    Then cometh the end , when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God , even the Father ; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power .

  8. 文章核心部分就我国交强险第三人直接请求权行使的缺失进行探讨,并据此提出修改和完善建议。

    This article is focused on the direct claim right to the third party in the compulsory motor vehicle Insurance in China to discuss the lack of the perform , and this indicates the standard direction .

  9. 你流扫罗全家的血,接续他作王;耶和华把这罪归在你身上,将这国交给你儿子押沙龙。

    The LORD has avenged on you all the blood of the house of Saul , in whose place you have reigned , and the LORD has given the kingdom into the hand of your son Absalom .

  10. 一些主要工业国交给联合国系统的钱有一大部分以联合国在这些国家中花钱购买材料、支付工资和业务费用的形式又还给了它们。

    A large share of the money that some major industrialized countries give to the UN system returns to them in terms of the money the UN spends in their countries on materials purchased , salaries and operating expenses .

  11. 我国对外交学的研究极为重视。

    Diplomatic Studies have become a research focus in our country .

  12. 对我国重交沥青市场大转折的思考

    Considerations on Big Transition in Market of Heavy Transportation Road Asphalt

  13. 我国的交强险制度也就是在这一大社会背景下建立起来的。

    The compulsory insurance system of our nation is established by the social background .

  14. 文章利用指数样条法估计出我国上交所国债的利率期限结构,对其进行静态的分析,得到上交所国债利率期限结构统计特征。

    By using exponential Splines model , we estimate the bond 's term structure of shanghai stock exchange , then we have a static analysis to it and obtain the statistical feature of term structure .

  15. 本文首先从商品交易市场密度、市场规模等方面剖析了我国商品交刎市场发展的省区差异特征,证实了市场密度、市场规模与国民经济发展水平之间存在着显著的相关关系;

    Firstly , based on market density and market scale , this paper analyzes the provincial differentiation of market development in China , and confirms the remarkable interrelationship between market density , market scale and development level of the national economy .

  16. 研究我国玉米单交种的发展变化规律,对指导玉米育种的发展十分必要。

    It is necessary for maize breeding to research the change trend of different period maize hybrids .

  17. 我国世纪之交汽车并行市场的开发在世纪之交,东北老工业基地面临着一道急需解决的难题&产业结构的战略调整。

    The Development of Co-existent Auto Markets at the Transition of the Old and New Centuries in China At the new centuries , fades an question desiderate of resolving & the stratagem of industry structure adjustment .

  18. 南方电网是我国第一个交直流混合运行的大电网,直流落点集中,西电东送通道长期压极限运行,电网稳定问题较突出。

    Southern Power Grid is the first larger hybrid AC / DC operation power network in China , which is a power grid with complex structure , higher technology content and difficulty to operate and control .

  19. 体育社会学向运动训练领域渗透是我国世纪之交体育社会学学科发展的一个突出特点,也是运动训练科学进入新的发展阶段的标志。

    One of the outstanding points of the development of sports training at the end of this century is the infiltration of sports sociology into sports training and it is a sign that sports training science has reached a new period of development .

  20. 近年来世界各国普遍推行基于标准的课程改革,我国世纪之交的本次基础教育课程改革,其理念革新程度和实施范围都被认为是空前的。

    In recent years , Standard-based Curriculum Reform have implemented in many countries around the world . The basic education curriculum reform conducted in our country at the turn of the century , which never happened as its idea innovation and the scope of its implementation .

  21. 我国已跨入复杂交直流混合大系统发展阶段。

    China has entered a large complex system with AC and DC era .

  22. 法国绝不会失去其同盟国方面的主要交战国之一的地位。

    France would never have ceased to be one of the principal belligerent allies .

  23. 我国在世纪之交已经完成人口转变,与欧盟内生性的均衡人口转变过程相比。

    Demographic transition ( DT ) has been completed in China at the end of 20th century .

  24. 联合国使两个交战国坐到谈判桌上来,试图让他们达成和平解决的协议。

    The United Nations got the two fighting nations round the table to try to agree on a peace settlement .

  25. 目前,世界上培育成功的近交系大鼠已有1000种左右,但是,我国使用的近交系大鼠全部是从国外引进的。

    There are about 1000 inbred strain rats now , but all of inbred rats in China are introduced from abroad .

  26. 在这部藏本中有黑笔圈勾的内容被编入《日本国志》邻交志1874年日本侵台事件。

    The marked parts were included in the section about Japanese invasion to Taiwan in 1874 of Japanese Annals : Diplomatic Relations with China .

  27. 高校合并是我国在世纪之交进行的高教管理体制改革的重要组成部分,它适应了我国高等教育进一步健康发展的需要。

    The incorporation of universities is an important part in the reform of high educational system at the turn of the century , which conforms to the further healthy development of our high education .

  28. 本文在借鉴外国(地区)交强险相关法律制度和实践经验的基础上,分析我国在保险公司交强险免责问题上的弊端,提出了一些观点和立法构想。

    Learned from foreign relevant legal system and practice , this article aims to analyze the current status and existing problems related to exemption of the compulsory insurance , bring forward some perspectives and legislative ideas .

  29. 以《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》和《机动车交通事故责任强制保险条例》等法律法规为支点,我国的交强险制度已于几年前正式建立。

    China has officially established such a system a few years ago , with the issuance of laws and regulations such as the Law of the Road Traffic Safety and the Regulation on Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles .