
ɡù dìnɡ zuò yònɡ
  • fixation;fixed action
  1. 结论AO钢板对腓骨骨折有良好的固定作用。

    Conclusions AO plate has favorable effect of fixation for fibular fracture .

  2. 利用~(15)N在盆栽条件下研究了铵的矿物固定作用对肥料氮在三种土壤中转化的影响。

    The effect of ammonium fixation on the transformation of ~ ( 15 ) N labelled fertilizer N in three soils was studied in a pot experiment .

  3. 首次发现高浓度NAC具有固定作用:细胞形态完好,而膜完整性及通透性被破坏、失去对Glu细胞毒性反应、细胞内酶活性丧失。

    It is the first report that NAC at higher concentration can fix tissue .

  4. P(DEA-co-AA)微凝胶的合成、性能表征及对HRP酶的固定作用

    Preparation and Characterization of P ( DEA-co-AA ) Microgels and Its Role in Horseradish Peroxidase Immobilization

  5. 细胞壁固定作用和液泡区室化是三叶鬼针草毛状根忍耐重金属Cd、Pb胁迫的机制之一。

    Compartmentalization and fixed holding of detoxification mechanisms of heavy metal by cell wall vacuole are the strategies of the hairy roots ' endurance to Cd and Pb stress .

  6. 玄武岩桉树人工林土壤中的Fe、Mn与P素有效性关系密切,且在还原条件下的土壤Mn对磷的固定作用更大;

    The Fe and Mn elements in the plantation soil are closely correlated to the efficiency of P element , and the soil Mn has greater fixation effect on P under the condition of reduction .

  7. 结论DRFS设计巧妙、独到,充分利用了纵向滑移杠杆和提拉螺旋原理,在拧紧螺母时即可同时达到撑开、复位、固定作用,产生良好的杠杆和螺旋机械效益。

    Conclusion DRFS utilizationed the lever and spiral principle , provided a good effect of distraction reduction and fixation .

  8. 结论:ARRIF具有确实的三维固定作用,对于脊柱骨折具有稳定的固定作用。

    Conclusion : ARRIF have a steady fixation effect on spinal fracture in three dimensional .

  9. 实验证明:通常牵引力下(≤7kg)能够安全有效地起到牵引固定作用,并可根据需要调节牵引力的大小与方向。

    The experiment proved that , under the common traction force (≤ 7kg ), it was effective and had the function of traction and fixation . Besides , the value and direction of the traction force could be adjusted according to the needs .

  10. 反击-对无敌的目标产生固定作用。

    Counterattack-will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects .

  11. 添加氧化铁可使土壤中有效磷浓度降低,说明氧化铁对土壤磷素有固定作用。

    Addition of iron oxides may decrease the availability of phosphorus .

  12. 分隔、固定作用;

    Two-Phase Calculus ( 2 ) Compartment and immobilization of metals ;

  13. 多元羧酸类化合物对木材大压缩量变形的固定作用

    Fixation of Heavy Compression Deformation of Wood Treated with Polycarboxylic Acids

  14. 螺钉的固定作用主要为关节突和椎弓根。

    The fixed action of screw were articular process and pedicle mainly .

  15. 硝酸银和滑石粉对兔胸膜的固定作用

    Effects of pleurodesis with silver nitrate and talc in rabbits

  16. 磷灰石及其对水溶液中Cd~(2+)离子的固定作用

    Immobilization of Apatite on Cd ~ ( 2 + ) in Solution

  17. 膜还提供结构的支持,对细胞内的结构起固定作用。

    Membranes also provide structural support and act to anchor intracellular structures .

  18. 土壤对NH+4的固定作用在30℃下最强,高于20℃和40℃;

    The fixation of NH + 4 by soil was the strongest under 30 ℃ .

  19. 分隔、固定作用;胃盲囊分上、下两叶,上叶又被膜分隔成若干小叶。

    Compartment and immobilization of metals ; The gastric caeca is divided into two parts .

  20. 不同腐殖酸物质对土壤中汞的固定作用及植物吸收的影响

    Effects of different humic acid materials on mercury fixation in soil and mercury absorption by plant

  21. 增生类多发生在1、3、4、5、7区,它是一种有益的骨反应,能加强对假体的固定作用。

    The bone osteogenesis is happened in1,3,4,5,7 zoon of head femur , and its useful for reinforce prosthesis .

  22. 对植入骨同时有固定作用;

    The bone grafts can be fixed simultaneously j ( 3 ) It is suitable for postoperative fixation ;

  23. 一种在治疗骨折过程中起固定作用的药物(一般是用巴黎熟石膏做成的)。

    A firm covering ( often made of plaster of Paris ) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal .

  24. 结果:殓葬时未使用任何防腐剂,棺液也无防腐和固定作用。

    Results : No antiseptic was used when the cadaver was encoffined , neither used in the coffin liquid .

  25. 目的了解牛皮质骨棒对动物关节内骨折的内固定作用。

    Objective To evaluate the role of bovine cortical bone needle as an internal fixation material for the intraarticular fracture .

  26. 结论有限接触式钛网管对植入物和骨缺损断端起到可靠的固定作用;

    Conclusion The limited contacted titanium net duct can provide a reliable fixation effect on the graft and bone defect ends .

  27. 盐酸小檗碱改性粘土通过强烈的吸附和固定作用以及缓释抗菌组分的协同作用,因而表现出较好的抗菌作用。

    Because of cooperation of action of strong absorbing , fixing and sustained-release berberine , the modified clays had excellent antibacterial properties .

  28. 通过观察,对比和组织学方法,本文对十二种具有防腐固定作用的药物(单方),对新鲜肌组织块的防腐固定作用进行了观察和对比。

    The antiseptic and fixation effect of 12 chemical agents and the fresh Lumps of the muscular tissue were observed and compared .

  29. 人工合成羟基磷灰石对水溶液中Pb~(2+)、Cd~(2+)离子的固定作用

    Action on immobilization of artificial synthesized HAP on Pb ~ ( 2 + ), Cd ~ ( 2 + ) in solution

  30. 当植株涨到20厘米高的时候,将植株绑在插在花盆中的木棍上,起到固定作用。

    When the plants are twenty centimeters high , tie the plants to a stick placed in the pot to support them .