
Transformational leadership and transactional leadership correlated with group emotional intelligence significantly .
Team emotion is positive related with team effectiveness .
The results showed that broadening-and-building interactions were indeed the key mechanism that explained the relationship between a group emotion of joy and group effectiveness .
In fact , the quality of entrepreneurial team mood plays important impacts on entrepreneurial performance and good entrepreneurial team mood gives the new ventures a competitive edge over other ones without it .
Sometimes when a group of people or a team is down and they need to cheer1 themselves2 up they have a " group hug3 " .
The mood of the Team shifted ; motivation seemed to go down , and Team members seemed to be reverting to their previous role , what they used to sarcastically call " servants-of-Francis-the-Great " .
If the mood of the organisation isn 't good , then that impacts directly on the customers .
There is also a " top leader effect " in the formation of TMT overall emotional intelligence .
TMT overall emotional intelligence is not simple addition or average of emotional intelligence of top leaders and team members , but the result of the combination of top leaders and team members .
High emotional intelligence of team members may bring high emotional intelligence teams , but not absolutely , it is more rely on leadership and coordination of top leaders . 2 .
When companies do not like any team has complained that the staff of the existence of emotions .
This research discuss the theoretical contributions of the research to group , individual emotions , and group emotions literatures , as well as the future research directions .
The higher the emotional intelligence of top leaders , team members and overall teams , the lower the emotional conflict . The high emotional intelligence of top leaders and overall teams is also conducive to reducing the conflicts caused by different cognition .
Different kind of conflicts in teams results in different team emotion .
Higher proportional task conflict composition leads to better team emotion , but higher proportional relationship conflict composition leads to worse one .
In the practice of management , managers always focus their attention on the visible structure of entrepreneurial team instead of the visible structure , that is , entrepreneurial team mood .
Higher openness and mutuality of goals lead to cooperative conflict management . The same selection results from better team emotion .
Emotional intelligence has significant influence on TMT conflict and conflict management . In the transforming process of cognitive conflict to emotional conflict , the emotional intelligence of top leader and team plays a partial mediating role .