
  1. 昨天晚上,回龙观的几辆私家好车被人泼了硫酸

    Fig1.Several limos were damaged by Vitriol intentionally in HuiLongGuang of Beijing

  2. 不许有人为了积分答非所问,把回龙观的介绍发过来了忽悠。

    Must not somebody gives an irrelevant answer for integral , the introduction the view that answer dragon sent flicker .

  3. 该系统首先将于今年上半年在拥挤的回龙观和天通苑地区进行测试。

    The system will first be tested in the congested Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan areas within the first half of this year .

  4. 在北京,一出回龙观地铁站,就可以看到一家不大的蔬菜生鲜店,名为青年菜君。

    Outside of Huilongguan subway station , Beijing , is a small shop called Mr Food that sells vegetables and meat .

  5. 随着大都市对精神健康关注日益增加,北京回龙观医院正在招募新人,应答“心理危机干预热线”。

    Beijing Huilongguan Hospital suicide-prevention hotline is recruiting more trainees when greater attention is being placed on mental health issues in mega-cities .

  6. 那时,他常常坐地铁上下班,每每当他挤出回龙观地铁站时,他总是感到孤单而又筋疲力尽,怀念妈妈在家做饭时的感觉。

    After pulling himself from the crowd at Huilongguan station , he often felt lonely and exhausted , missing the feeling of home-cooked meals prepared by his mother .

  7. 昌平区疾控中心周四确认,回龙观龙泽苑西区出现蜱虫,一名居民和多只宠物狗被叮咬。回龙观地区办事处和物业已展开全面排查、监控、宣传和消杀工作。

    The disease control center in suburban Changping district on Tuesday started all-round disinfections in a community where a resident and some pets were suspected of being bitten by ticks last week .

  8. 对照组63例(男30例,女33例),为北京回龙观医院的职工、家属及进修人员。

    The control group , receiving MMPI assessment only , consisted of 63 subjects ( 30 males , 33 females ) who were employees , their family members and students for advanced study .

  9. 中国北京市博纳玉器城,座落在京城北郊,位于八达岭高速公路的第七出口(回龙观)处。似一颗镶嵌在中华大地上的明珠。

    Bona jade store is located at the northern suburb of Beijing in china , lies near the seventh exit of Ba Da Ling expressway , likes a pearl inlaid on Chinese ground .

  10. 擅长心理健康治疗的北京回龙观医院的副院长杨福德说,中国是世界自杀率最高的国家之一,尤其是农村妇女。

    Yang Fude , vice-president of Beijing Huilongguan Hospital , which specializes in mental health , said China has one of the highest suicide rates in the world , particularly among rural women .

  11. 马彩云,今年38岁,是北京市昌平区法院的一名法官。周五晚上9点30分左右,在北京回龙观社区被枪射中脸部和胃部。

    Ma Caiyun , 38 , a judge at Changping District People 's Court , was shot in the face and stomach at about 9:30 pm on Friday in the capital 's Huilongguan community .