
  • 网络Hui culture
  1. 试论回族文化的神圣性与世俗性的良性互动

    Interaction Between Sacredness and Secularity of Hui Culture

  2. 回族文化的发展繁荣又反过来促进了民族的认同。

    The development and prosperity of Hui culture , in return reinforces the ethnic identity .

  3. 社会变迁中的回族文化模式及文化走向

    Culture Hui Nationality culture pattern and direction in the changing society

  4. 回族文化中的心理健康思想初探

    The Research for the Psychological Health Idea in the Hui Nationality Culture

  5. 论回族文化中的佛教文化因素论东北民族文化

    The Buddhism Culture Elements in the Culture of Hui Nationality

  6. 试析临夏回族文化

    A Shallow Analysis of Hui Nationality 's Culture in Linxia

  7. 回族文化变迁也如此。

    So is the change of Hui nationality culture .

  8. 回族文化在各个不同的时代所体现的观念与价值是有差异的。

    There are different concepts and values in different times in Hui nationality culture .

  9. 银川市回族文化旅游开发研究

    Exploitation of Hui-Minority Culture Tourism in Yinchuan City

  10. 女寺是长治市回族文化的一个重要构成要素。

    The female mosque is an important part of Hui nationality 's culture in Changzhi .

  11. 辛亥革命与民国时期回族文化运动

    The Cultural Movements of Hui Nationality during the Revolution of 1911 and Republic of China

  12. 全球化的挑战与民族文化的应答&当代回族文化的走向:在民族性和开放性之间

    The Challenge of Globalization and the Response of Ethnic Culture A Shallow Analysis of Hui Nationality 's Culture in Linxia

  13. 《穆斯林的葬礼》是一部努力并成功开掘回族文化心理的长篇小说。

    " Muslim Religion 's Funeral " is a novel which diligently and successfully digs the cultural psychology of Hui nationality .

  14. 第四部分,回族文化课程开发的生命载体:教师及其专业发展。

    The fourth part is to introduce the key of developing the Hui culture courses : teachers and their professional development .

  15. 回族文化模式转型论&基于对大城市回族社区文化模式变迁的思考

    Transition of the Hui 's Cultural Pattern : A Study on the Cultural Pattern of the Hui Communities in Mega-cities of China

  16. 面对全球化的趋势,回族文化应该如何调适、定位和发展,是摆在每个有志于献身这项事业的专家学者面前的一个重要课题。

    Facing such tendency , it is an important research item for the scholars concerned how Hui culture should adjust and improve itself .

  17. 回族文化的地域差异与民族认同的错位&关于江苏连云港回族社会的调查研究

    On Regional Differences of Hui Ethnic Group Culture and Dislocation of Ethnic Identity & An Investigation into Hui People in Lianyungang , Jiangsu

  18. 郊区城市化进程中回族文化的变迁与适应&以宁夏银川市为例

    On the Changes and Adaptability of the Hui People 's Culture in the Urbanization of Suburb & A Case Study of Yinchuan , Ningxia

  19. 藏区回族文化认同研究&以甘肃省临潭县为例

    The study of cultural identity of the Hui nationality living the Zang nationality region & Taking Lintan county of Gansu province as case study

  20. 本文论述了以兴办教育,倡导留学,设立社团,创建报刊为主要内容的近代回族文化运动。

    This paper expounds the cultural movements of Hui Nationality which mainly involves initiating education , advocating studying abroad , setting up associations and running newspapers .

  21. 同心回族文化的共时(空间)变迁中,主要呈现了以农村社区、集镇社区为主的同心当地的回族文化变迁。

    According to space , the author gives an account of the cultural change in village community and town community , which stands for local cultural change .

  22. 其叙事长诗《穆斯林的彩虹》叙述美丽而悲壮的爱情故事,铸成回族文化的英雄史诗;

    THE RAINBOW OF MOSLEM , one of MA De-jun 's narrative poems describes solemn and stirring love stories which are a heroic epic of Hui national culture .

  23. 而回族文化要走向世界,就需要优秀的翻译文本出现,但目前国内全面系统地介绍回族文化概貌的英译本较少,优秀的译本更是凤毛麟角。

    Good translated versions can help Hui culture to go towards the world . But now , there are few English versions about a comprehensive and systematical introduction to Hui culture .

  24. 通过对回族文化内涵的探索,从内部调节和外部适应两方面分析支持回族人民保持心理健康的内在动力。

    By the research for the intension of Hui nationality culture , from the inside regulation and outside adaptation , the inner power for Hui nationality people to maintain psychological health was analysed .

  25. 怎样丰富了灿烂而独特的回族文化?至今仍有哪些宝贵的、富有活力的美学思想,尚能够帮助回族和其他民族共同去创造新的人类文明和提高人类的生命质量与优存状态?

    What valuable and vigorous Aesthetics thought could still help Hui people and other ethnic groups to create the new mankind civilization together and improve the life quality and living condition of human being .

  26. 但在蒙汉文化的包围之下,大家更多关注的是蒙汉文化,对回族文化传承与发展的研究热情不高,不利于回族文化的传承与发展。

    But under the surrounding of Mongolia culture , people pay more attention to the culture of Mongolia and Han , have low passion to the research of Hui tribe culture . It will be bad for the inheritance and development of the Hui tribe culture .

  27. 此部分主要就宁夏基本情况概述、民族中职院校回族文化课程开发状况(主要从学生和教师对于回族文化教育的态度入手)进行了现实考察,以获取研究的现实背景。

    This section outlines the basic situation of Ningxia , Hui culture curriculum development situation in the national vocational institutions ( starting from the attitude of students and teachers about the Hui culture and education ), in order to get a realistic background of the study .

  28. 银川市的城市变迁及民居、住区的建筑形制反映了西部干旱少雨地区的基本发展模式,其形成、发展、聚集和文化从一个侧面反映了回族文化的地域特质。

    The city 's evolution and the architectural form of the residences reflect the basic development patterns of this drought-stricken and dry area . The architectural form ation and communal aspect in the development of Yinchuan display an area of specialty of Hui nationality from another angel .

  29. 回族传统文化的特点及其历史贡献

    On the Characteristics of Traditional Hui Culture and Its Historical Contribution

  30. 沧州回族武术文化初探

    An Initial Probing into Wushu Culture of Hui People in Cang Zhou