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  1. 从四行诗看英语格律诗形式的翻译

    On English Metrical Poetry and Its Form Translation with Reference to Quatrain

  2. 二是四家诗的师承渊源相同;

    The same school origin of the four scholars ;

  3. 而产生于这个时期的著名选本《文选》却没有登录一首五言四句诗。

    Wen Xuan , as a famous selections compiled in this period , however , does not include even one poem of such pattern .

  4. 颜襄:这四句诗的意思是,南山上有棵弯弯的树,葛藤缠绕着它,有一位快乐的君子,他幸福又安定。

    Yan Xiang : These four poetic lines tell us a curved tree entwined richly with vines is like a joyous gentleman in peaceful happiness .

  5. 因时段不同的各种经历,在四部诗集中叶芝微妙的情感象征略显差异,而整体风貌一致。

    Because of unlike experience in different periods of time , symbol of subtle emotion reveals the discrepancy slightly in Yeats four poetry anthologies and the overall style is consistent .

  6. 享有盛名的杰出唐代诗人王之涣在他的四行诗“登鹳雀楼”使鹳雀楼成为中国四大名塔之一。

    This household four-line poem named " stepping upon the stork tower " a masterpiece of renowned Tong Dynast poet WangZihuan has made the stork tower one of China four famous towers .

  7. 附呈的四首诗是他亲书的关于陈上师的里程碑作品&禅海塔灯内之禅之四层的墨宝。

    Attached are four poems by him in his calligraphy on the four layers of Chan as indicated by Guru Chen in his monumental work , Lighthouse in the Ocean of Chan .

  8. 四家诗在汉代不断发展变化,各家内部又不断分化出新的诗派,形成了一祖数宗现象。

    These four schools of poetry had been changing in Han Dynasty , and each of them had divided into new poetry schools , forming a phenomenon of different factions and the same ancestor .

  9. 莎士比亚是多种诗歌形式的大师:歌曲、十四行诗、双行联韵体、四行诗、素体诗。

    On the Distinction between Composition and Adaptation in Music Composing ; Shakespeare was a master of many poetic forms : the song , the sonnet , the couplet , the quatrain , the blank verse .

  10. 本文从介绍诗歌尤其是四行诗的定义,起源,分类,构成要素以及特点着手,帮助了解和分析了四行诗的内在构成尤其是其格律方面的基本特点。

    This dissertation begins with the defining , origin , classification , basic elements and characteristics of quatrain , which helps understand and analyze the internal structure of quatrain , especially its basic features of metrical form .

  11. 产生于相同的历史背景之下,隶属于不同的学术范围,《诗纬》与汉代四家诗有相通,却更有不同。

    Shi Wei and the four schools of poem in Han dynasty came into being in the same historical background but belong to different academic fields . As a result , they are of common points but also of more differences .

  12. 雍陶现存全部诗歌,除了四首古体诗外,其余均为律诗和绝句。

    Secondly , Yong Tao was adept in Modern-style Poetry . All his existing poems are Regulated Verses and quatrains except four ancient poems .

  13. 战国《诗》学传播中心的转移与汉四家《诗》的形成

    The Transfer of the Center of Diffusing The Book of Songs in the Warring States Period and The Formation of Four Schools of The Book of Songs in Han Dynasty

  14. 辛弃疾的四位一体诗酒人生范式正是中国精英知识分子诗酒人生的典型代表,具有强烈的悲剧意味。

    The article unveiled the " 4 in 1 " alcohol-poem life model of XIN Qi-ji , which was the representation of alcohol-poem lives of Chinese elite intellectuals and emitted strong tragedy odor .

  15. 他四岁就能背诗了。

    He was capable of reciting poems at the age of four .

  16. 现代四作家序冯玉祥诗

    Four Writers Write the Preface for Feng Yu-xiang 's Poems

  17. 《树枝不会折断》全集共四十三首诗,依据主题的不同,可以分成四类:自传诗、政治诗、隐士诗和学院诗。

    The Branches will not break , which consists of forty-three poems , can be divided into four categories : autobiographical poems , politic poems , hermit poems and academic poems .

  18. 第三部分对陆游在山阴时的闲适诗歌内容进行了分类,大致归类为:一,山水风景诗;二,田园风光诗;三,民俗风情诗;四,日常生活诗。

    The poetry in this part is classified broadly as : 1 , landscape poetry ; 2 , pastoral poetry ; 3 , folk customs poetry ; 4 , daily life poetry .