
sì yán shī
  • Four character poetry;Chinese classical poem with four characters each line;the poem each line of which consists of four words
四言诗 [sì yán shī]
  • [the poem each line of which consists of four words] 每句四个字的古体诗,汉代以前通行

四言诗[sì yán shī]
  1. 嵇康四言诗象征艺术论

    On Symbolic Technique of JI Kang 's Siyan Poems

  2. 四言诗的发展历程和衰落原因

    The History of Four-word Poem and Reasons of Declining

  3. 《诗经》以后,嵇康是四言诗的代表作家之一。

    After the Classic of Poetry , Ji Kang is one of the representatives of four-character poets .

  4. 四言诗是中国最古老的文学样式,在《诗经》的时代达到了鼎盛。

    Si yan poetry is the oldest style of Chinese literature which reaches its Silver Age in the Shi jin period .

  5. 两汉魏晋时期,四言诗创作曾一度呈现出兴盛局面,但对于这一阶段的四言作品,历代乃至当今学人却很少问津。

    In the Han-wei-jin dynasties , four-character verse was at one time prosperous , but scholars have seldom touched such poems of that period .

  6. 从词汇学的角度来看,四言诗与五言诗在不同时代的出现,是符合当时汉语词汇发展现状的。

    From the angle of lexicology , the rising of four-word-poems and five-word-poems in different times conformed to the developing situation of the time .

  7. 他对《诗经》从形式、语言以及赋比兴手法上进行了取法,使得自己的作品沾染有浓浓的四言诗古韵古风的味道。

    He learned the form , language and fu , bi and xing from Classic of Poetry , which made his works , own the flavor of four-character poems .

  8. 魏晋时期,在时代思想潮流、政治社会环境、文学创作形态等多重因素的影响下,四言诗长期积淀下来的潜能获得了爆发的契机,进一步走向繁荣和复兴。

    In the Wei-jin dynasties , because of ideological trend , political and social environment , creation pattern , and such , four-character verse throve further with its potential exploding .

  9. 西晋时期,四言诗创作盛行一时,无论从诗人数量还是从作品数量上看,都呈现出集中喷发的势头。

    In West Jin Dynasty , four word poems was very popular , regardless of the number of the poet or the number of work , the momentum has emerged concentrated eruption .

  10. 另外一方面,他又对四言诗进行了创新,分别体现在赋比兴手法、对偶对比手法以及诗境的扩大诸多方面。

    On the other hand , he innovated the Classic poetry from fu , bi and xing technique , duality and comparison techniques and the enlargement of the poetic conception and background .

  11. 在陶渊明以前,诗人们以《诗经》为摹本创作四言诗,往往出现两种情况&不是“太离”就是“太肖”。

    Literators'four-word poem imitated in The Book of Songs , and folks in Chu of directors came from the imitation of Chu 's folks in Fighting stage , which developed respectively and never intercrossed .

  12. 第二章从作品入手,对西晋四言诗的题材进行了大致的分类,试图从思想内容层面凸显西晋四言诗的特色。

    In second chapter , on the subject of the Poems four broad categories the themes of Western Jin Dynasty four word poems attempt to highlight the characteristic of it in the level of ideological content .

  13. 本文作者有感于此,试图对汉魏晋四言诗进行初步考察,探索其发展演变规律、文学价值及文学史意义,并对此期四言名家名篇作出评述。

    Sound and Rhyme Effects of Four Character Sentences in the Book of Songs The author of this treatise tries to discuss its development , its literary value and meaning , and its outstanding writers and their works .

  14. 第三章从风格角度探讨两汉四言诗独有的一些特色,诸如对诗三百的继承与突破以及与音乐的关系等;

    The third chapter explores the unique features of " Four Characters poem " from the perspective of style analysis , for instance , its inheritance and innovation of " Three hundred Poems " and its relationship with music .

  15. 第一章集中解释西晋四言诗的盛行一时的原因,分为外部环境和内在动力两部分,具体包括政治、文化、士人人格、诗学观念、创作实践等要素。

    The first chapter focuses on the four reasons for the prevalence of the West Jin Dynasty Poems , in external environment and internal power of two parts , specifically including politics , culture , personality , poetic ideas , creative practice and other factors .

  16. 吴、蜀两国秉承两汉文化传统,文学观念以儒家经世致用思想为重,文学创作成果也不够丰硕,但孙吴之四言诗、体物赋、应用散文以及蜀汉之应用散文尚有可观之处。

    Wu Shu , two countries adhering to traditional literary concept of culture of the Han Dynasty , Confucian Confucian thought as heavy , literary creation is not rich , but Wu of poetry , prose and Fu body , application of Shu Han prose is impressive in the application .