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  • 【地名】【中国】Jiaxing County
  1. 权力与制衡&1946年嘉兴县的乡镇自治

    Empowerment and Restriction : The village-town autonomy in Jiaxing in 1946

  2. (三)县、自治县分为乡、民族乡、镇。权力与制衡&1946年嘉兴县的乡镇自治

    Counties and autonomous counties are divided into townships , nationality townships and towns . Empowerment and Restriction : The village-town autonomy in Jiaxing in 1946

  3. 吸引了大批嘉兴五县二区幼儿园骨干教师的加盟。

    Attracted a large number of the second district of Jiaxing five backbone teachers to join .

  4. 基层电大现代远程教育师资现状及提升策略&以浙江省嘉兴市、县电大为例

    Current Situations on Teachers and Improving Strategies in Modern Distance Education of Regional Radio and Television Universities