
shānɡ wù yīnɡ yǔ
  • business English
  1. 对合格的商务英语教师的需求日益增长。

    There is a growing need for qualified teachers of Business English .

  2. 商务英语是人们在商务活动中所使用的英语,通称为BusinessEnglish,属于特殊用途的英语范畴。

    Business English is used in the commercial activity , belonging to the special-use English category .

  3. 商务英语信函写作的七C原则及技巧

    Basic Principles Skills of Business Letter Writing

  4. 中国加以入WTO之后商务英语变得越来越重要。

    Business English has become more and more important since China 's entry into WTO .

  5. 从ESP英语教学看电子邮件在商务英语写作过程中的作用

    The Role of E-Mail in Teaching Business English Writing & an ESP Teaching Perspective

  6. 商务英语证书(BEC)写作中衔接手段的实证研究

    A Study on the Cohesive Ties in BEC Writing

  7. 谈商务英语专业教学与BEC考试培训

    On Business English Teaching and BEC Training

  8. 旨在使BEC词汇的课堂教学更具实用性,并提高商务英语词汇翻译的准确性,进而有效把握商务篇章整体内容。

    Aims to make B E C vocabulary classroom teaching more practical , and improve the accuracy of the translation of business English words , and then hold effectively business the whole text content .

  9. 基于剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)的任务型商务英语教学

    BEC-Task-based Business English Teaching Practice

  10. 尽管不同专家学者对商务英语的理论来源有不同的论述,但以ESP作为商务英语的理论来源得到了大部分学者的认同。

    In spite of the different understandings of the source theory of Business English , most scholars of Business English accept ESP as the theory of Business English .

  11. BEC交际口语测试为我国英语口语教学和口语测试提供了一个研究、学习的范例。剑桥商务英语口试中考生的常见问题及对策

    BEC communicative speaking test provides a model for oral English teaching and testing in China . Problems arising in the BEC speaking test and solutions

  12. 依照Willis的任务型教学法理论框架设计了相应的商务英语精读教学程序及内容。

    According to Willis ' framework of task-based language teaching , the author designed teaching procedure and contents for intensive reading of business English .

  13. 渗入与透出:国际商务英语翻译过程之浅见

    Permeating and Interpreting : On Translating Process in International Business English

  14. 依据文体学的理论来界定,商务英语是一种英语语体。

    Stylistic theories view business English as a variety of English .

  15. 商务英语是英语在商务语域中的变体。

    Business English is a variety of English in business register .

  16. 商务英语词汇分析及其对教学的意义

    A Lexical Analysis of Business English and Its Implication in Teaching

  17. 商务英语写作中介语错误分析的研究

    A Study of the Interlanguage Error Analysis in Business English Writing

  18. 商务英语写作七原则是语用原则的具体体现。

    The writing principles in business English embody the pragmatic principles .

  19. 掌握这些策略,有助于商务英语公函的撰写。

    These indicate language expressions are tactful in business English writing .

  20. 多媒体商务英语听力自主学习策略研究

    Business English Listening with Multimedia : An Autonomous Learning Strategy Perspective

  21. 本文探讨的是商务英语写作的课程设计与教学模式。

    This paper discusses the course design of business English writing .

  22. 商务英语在一定程度上更加突出了英语形合的特色。

    To some extent , Business English gives prominence to hypotaxis .

  23. 此页将提供我们所有考试的详细资料。你可以参加普通英语考试或商务英语考试。

    You can sit exams in general English or Business English .

  24. 商务英语精读教学中案例教学法的应用

    The Application of Case Method in Intensive Reading of Business English

  25. 西方修辞学视角下的商务英语教学改革

    On Business English Teaching Reform in the Perspective of Western Rhetoric

  26. 构建以岗位能力为本位的高职商务英语课程体系

    Construct Vocational Competence-based Business English Curricular System of Higher Vocational Colleges

  27. 委婉语在商务英语谈判中的功能及语法手段

    On Functions and Grammatical Approaches of Euphemism in Business English Negotiation

  28. 关于高职商务英语专业建设的思考和实践

    Thoughts and Practice in Building up Business English Specialty in Vocational Colleges

  29. 对于商务英语教材的分析和评价研究,不同研究者从不同的角度进行了探讨。

    Different researchers discuss business English textbooks from different perspectives .

  30. 商务英语是实用性和专业性都很强的应用性语言。

    Business English is a very practical and professional language .