
  • 网络commercial system;Business System
  1. Oracle对Sun的兴趣非常明晰&他们渴望帮助客户简化开发、部署和操作高价值商业系统,从所有的应用到数据中心。

    Oracle 's interest in Sun is very clear-they aspire to help customers simplify the development , deployment and operation of high value business systems , from applications all the way to datacenters .

  2. 经过几十年的发展,AFR在受控环境和人工配合的情况下已经达到非常高的识别率,并出现了不少实际应用的商业系统。

    After decades of development , AFR has reached a very high recognition rate in the controlled environment and artificial situation , lots of business systems applied practically .

  3. 基于ODS构建商业系统的即时OLAP应用

    A Real-time OLAP Application for the Business System Based on ODS

  4. 介绍了结合林业企业木材销售应用的ODS商业系统。

    For instance of a system which according to forestry enterprise timber marketing .

  5. 负责FIS系统的维护、备用件和库存管理、前摄商业系统管理和监控。

    Take responsibility on FIS system maintenance , spare and inventory management , proactive business system management and monitoring .

  6. 二进制CPM已经广泛的应用于许多军事和商业系统,如MSK、GMSK调制已成功的应用于第二代移动通信当中。

    Binary CPM schemes have been widely used in many commercial and military systems . For example , MSK and GMSK have been successfully used in 2G communication systems .

  7. 使用WS-Security,客户对发送给银行系统的付款指令进行签名,从而防止中间的商业系统随意修改指定的付款额。

    Using WS-Security , the client could sign the payment instructions to be sent to the banking system , preventing any modification to the intended payment amount by the merchant-system intermediary .

  8. 海淀区商业系统员工手语培训;

    Haidian District commercial system staff sign language training ;

  9. 也有很多成功的商业系统向大家展示了流媒体视频直播的可行性。

    A lot of success commercial systems have showed its viability in the Internet .

  10. 这类商业系统的本质是一种高度并发的实时系统。

    The essence of this business system is a kind of real-time system with high conflict .

  11. 华:是因为传销。别提税务局或联邦商业系统了。

    Walter : in a pyramid scheme . don 't mention the IRS or the federal business system .

  12. 此外,本文通过使用工作流建模方法对应用系统进行业务流程分析和建模,论证了这种面向角色、流程驱动的建模方法在商业系统建模中的重要意义。

    Moreover , the thesis proves the significance of this role-based , process-driven modeling method to the business system .

  13. 我们仍旧在努力确保客户能够成功地开发软件,以及依赖于软件的商业系统。

    We still strive to ensure customer success in developing software , as well as business systems that rely on software .

  14. 树立商业系统标杆企业是体现主导产业经济地位的重要方面。

    So setting-up a model enterprise in commerce system is an important aspect that reflects the leading status of industrial economy .

  15. 到目前为止,所有方法均欠完善,距离实用化商业系统很远。

    To date , none of the methods developed is perfect and all are far from ready to be used in commercial systems .

  16. 作为保护信息资源机密性和完整性的重要手段,访问控制在保密系统、商业系统中占据了重要地位。

    As a way to defend information 's confidentiality and integrity , access control takes a quite important role in military system and commercial system .

  17. 这个专题研讨提供学术上及实际面的方法以建构电子商业系统,其中特别强调正在快速兴起于网络的教育市场。

    This seminar provides an academic as well as practical approach to architecting e-Commerce systems , with special emphasis on the fast emerging web-based education market .

  18. 虽然郭美美同中国红十字会没有正式联系,但她可能利用了其与一家名为“中国商业系统红十字会”的企业的关系为自己牟利。

    While the woman had no official tie to the Red Cross , she may have traded on a presumed connection through a company called Red Cross Commerce .

  19. 摘要本文旨讨论分析在全球化过程中,四小龙国家商业系统的政经结构的差异性,对国家再结构发展轨迹和策略的互动与冲击影响。

    This article investigates that the differences of political-economic structure within dragon fours interact with and impact upon the development trajectories and Strategies of the state restructuring during globalisation process .

  20. 这是非常基本的一组小部件,与商业系统中多种多样的小部件区别很大,但能够满足演示的目的。

    This is a pretty basic set of widgets , and a far cry from the variety of widgets you get with commercial systems , but it 's enough for demonstration purposes .

  21. 会员制是从商业系统移植到医院中来,利用对会员实行优惠的方式确保医院有稳定的病员群体,靠这一部分稳定的群体保持并扩大医院的影响力,吸引更多病人到医院就诊。

    Member system which was introduced to hospital from commerce , can ensure hospital to have steady patients population , spread influence force of hospital and attract more patient coming to see doctor .

  22. 所有的事务必须文档化,可跟踪&换句话说,文档必须在一个给定的商业系统中可跟踪,以便由法规要求指定地严格控制可以很明显地看到。

    All transactions must be documented and tracked in other words , documents must be traceable throughout a given business system , so that the rigid controls specified by the mandates are evident .

  23. 本文在研究生物技术及其产业基础上,提出生物技术应用的行为准则及其市场化运作模式、商业系统原则及其运作以及前景预测。

    On the basis of studied biotechnology and the industrial development , this paper puts conduct code of biotechnological applications , the marketing model , commercialization system rules and the operation and its expectations .

  24. 但是,女性形象颠覆式的媒介呈现与真实的日常生活间依然存在着距离,它们实际上只是商业系统和文化工业合谋所制造出来的时尚与性别奇观。

    However , these subversive media female images are still away from our real life . In fact , they are really just spectacle and fashion which are created by the commercial systems and the culture industry .

  25. 这种模式的要点是一个企业将自己的核心竞争力打造成一个标准化的商业系统,并采用连锁经营的方式让企业自身复制,做到迅速实现规模化效应。

    The gist of the mode is : An enterprise makes its own core competitive power as a business system of standardization , make the replication of the enterprise with chain business , for the extension effect rapidly .

  26. 分布式文件系统自上世纪70年代出现以来,经过30多年的发展,已经逐渐趋向成熟,在数据处理、信息服务、商业系统、教育科研等各个领域都有广泛的应用。

    Distributed file system appeared in 1970s . After 30 years pullulating , it has matured . It has a wide range of applications in data processing , information service , business system , science research , education and other fields .

  27. 国际商业系统代理已经创建许多套合法的关系,其中的两个是最重要的:负责人和代理的内在关系和代理和第三方的外在关系。

    2 the system of international commercial agency has created many sets of legal relationships , two of them are the most important : the internal relationships between the principal and the agent and external relationships between the agent and the third parties .

  28. 目前已经有很多不同的监测轮轨力的商业系统,但多数都只是峰值载荷的测试工具,或是需要对现有的轨道结构进行很大的改变才能实现连续轮轨力的测量与识别。

    At present there are a lot of different business system of monitoring wheel / rail force , but majority just test tools for peak load , or needed great changes to existing rail structure so can be realized measurement and identify the wheel / rail force .

  29. 针对商业系统物流的特点,研究了安全策略和安全方案设计原则,建立了一种物流信息安全之防病毒整体解决方案的设计思想,实现了相应的软件框架及在实际管理中的应用。

    Aiming at the characteristic of commercial system logistics , this paper research the strategy and design principle of security scheme . It establishes the design thought on the whole anti-virus solution scheme of information security , implements the corresponding application software framework , and realizing the application of management .

  30. 无纸商业交易系统

    a system of paperless business transactions