
āi gē
  • mourning dove
哀鸽[āi gē]
  1. 可是,正是由于这些特点,人们把哀鸽的存在看作了理所当然,甚至是忽略它们。

    However , for all there finer qualities , the mourning dove is so common many people simply take them for granted ; ignore them even .

  2. 白翅哀鸽率先赶来享用成熟的果实

    White winged doves are among the first to reach the ripening fruit .

  3. 体型较大的走鹃已经从西部向东部迁移,来到了阿肯萨州。白翅哀鸽也从西南部迁入了这里。

    The greater roadrunner has been shifting eastward into Arkansas from the west , and the white wing dove has been moving into Arkansas from the south-west .

  4. 我们咆哮如熊,哀呜如鸽。指望公平,却是没有。指望救恩,却远离我们。

    We roar all like bears , and mourn sore like doves : we look for judgment , but there is none ; for salvation , but it is far off from us .