
kā fēi wū
  • café;coffee house
  1. 我们在一家装饰精美的具有新艺术风格的美国咖啡屋吃的午饭。

    We lunched at the stunning art nouveau Caf é American .

  2. 以上图片:在G的一个海边咖啡屋,可以看到斯德哥尔摩群岛的无敌海景。

    Pictured here : A waterside caf é in Gr ä dd ö has picture-perfect views of the Stockholm Archipelago .

  3. 在LeRicher咖啡屋,咖啡、葡萄酒以及鸡尾酒都是出类拔萃的水准。

    As at Le Richer , the coffee , wine and cocktails are top-notch .

  4. 然而在这个华盛顿的咖啡屋,还有一些人仍对Surface持怀疑态度,他们怀疑微软是否能与苹果竞争,因为苹果的iPad已经在平板电脑市场占据统治地位两年了。

    Still some here at this Washington coffee shop are skeptical as to whether Microsoft can compete in a market that iPad has dominated for two years .

  5. 但CaféConstant仍是康斯坦特最喜欢的咖啡屋,他喜欢坐在酒吧间,嘴里叼着雪茄,得意地扫视自己的迷你帝国。

    But Caf é Constant remains his favourite place to perch at the bar with an unlit cigar in his mouth and survey his mini-empire .

  6. LeRicher与巴黎诸多现代风格的咖啡屋大同小异——配备着上世纪60年代风格的椅子、裸露的石墙因挂有镜子而显得蓬荜生辉,透过飘窗可眺望右岸地区(RightBank)的寻常街道。

    Le Richer looks like dozens of other modernised Paris caf é s , with 1960s-style chairs , exposed stone walls brightened with mirrors , and bay windows looking on to an unremarkable Right Bank street .

  7. LeRicher这类咖啡屋的“始作俑者”是远近皆知的CaféConstant,它是米其林星级厨师克里斯蒂安•康斯坦特(ChristianConstant)名下较为正规的LeViolond’Ingres餐厅的分设咖啡屋。

    A precursor to places like Le Richer was Caf é Constant , the popular bistro annex of Michelin-starred chef Christian Constant 's more formal restaurant Le Violon d'Ingres .

  8. 另一家高档餐厅下设的咖啡屋是Buvette,那儿的大厨用勃艮第红酒慢炖散养鸡,烹制出经典的酒闷仔鸡(coqauvin),这道菜如今在小餐馆里已经难觅踪影。

    Another restaurant offshoot is Buvette , where the chef simmers free-range chicken in red Burgundy for classic coq au vin , a dish rarely seen in bistros nowadays .

  9. 后来我们走上杰克的二手SUV车,这是他用这本书七万美元预付款中的一部分买来的,我们驶向圣塔莫妮卡18街咖啡屋。

    Next , we climbed into Jake 's secondhand SUV , bought with a portion of his $ 70000 book advance , and headed to the 18th Street Coffee House in Santa Monica .

  10. CaféTrama咖啡屋的营业时间是从上午11点到晚上11:30,而且价格颇为公道(这很出乎意料),它已成为巴黎时尚第七区最为流连忘返的地方。

    Open from 11am to 10.30pm and with surprisingly reasonable prices , Caf é Trama has become one of the best places to linger in this chic neighbourhood .

  11. 还记得前几个月的猫头鹰主题鸡尾酒吧、DIY麦片粥咖啡屋和迷你猪野餐吗?这种稀奇古怪的主题餐饮似乎仍旧是潮流。

    In the last few months we 've seen owl cocktail bars , porridge cafes and even a micropig picnic , and the trend of bizarre pop-ups doesn 't seem to be stopping anytime soon .

  12. 它能促进精神文明建设的组织及运行方式的改变。它能推动网络文化崛起,如生成网上实际语言,发动通用网络语言工程(UNL),兴起网络咖啡屋等。

    It will also cause the changes of the organization and operation of the spiritual civilization , and stimulate the rising of a network culture .

  13. 在原先实在却又可人的LeChercheMidi咖啡屋原址上,CaféTrama咖啡屋创建出成功模式——用仿古瓷砖与瑞典式家具打造出传统与现代合二为一的装修风格,而它的饮食也体现了同样风格。

    Where the down-to-earth yet charming caf é Le Cherche Midi once stood , Caf é Trama has created a winning formula with its old-meets-new decor of vintage tiles and Swedish furniture - and food that reflects the same spirit .

  14. 当代德国社会学家尤尔根•哈贝马斯(JürgenHabermas)将咖啡屋与其所指称的国家控制之外的“公共空间的兴起”相关联,或者,就是我们今天会说的:民间社会。

    A modern German sociologist , J ü rgen Habermas , linked the coffee houses with what he called the " rise of a public space " outside the control of the state , or , as we might say now , civil society .

  15. 我和我的女朋友在一间咖啡屋工作。

    And I was working at a coffeehouse with my girlfriend .

  16. 这一时期是英国咖啡屋的黄金时期。

    This was the golden age of the British coffee house .

  17. 伊桑,刚才我在咖啡屋等你的时候。

    I was in a cafe waiting for you , ethan .

  18. 去附近的咖啡屋喝杯咖啡吧?

    How about a cup of coffee at a nearby coffee shop ?

  19. 不光是星巴克咖啡屋遍布欧洲大陆。

    Starbucks isn 't the only thing spreading across the European continent .

  20. 大家好,这是杨晨。欢迎到美语咖啡屋。

    Hello everyone ! I 'm Jody ! Welcome to American Cafe .

  21. 他们商定下午三点钟在咖啡屋见面。

    They made an arrangement to meet at3in a cafe .

  22. 咖啡屋不好,兄弟行了--

    Coffee House is lame , dude . Come on --

  23. 我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。

    J : Hello I ' 'm Jody and welcome to American Cafe !

  24. 我想我的家人,我想那间咖啡屋。

    I * I miss my family . I miss the coffee house .

  25. 我想要把集装箱改造为健康的咖啡屋。

    I want to take shipping containers and turn them into healthy cafes .

  26. 谢谢大家到我们的美语咖啡屋。好,我们下次再见。

    Thanks for tuning into American Cafe . Okay , see you again !

  27. 在某些地区,咖啡屋甚至比茶馆还多。

    Coffee shops even outnumber teahouses in some neighborhoods .

  28. 她在咖啡屋认识的那个。

    Monica : You know , that guy she met at the coffeehouse .

  29. 分手五年年后,他们在咖啡屋相遇。

    Five years has past Since they broke up .

  30. 我假装对最先遇到的那几家机场咖啡屋毫无兴趣,

    I pretended a lack of interest in the first few airport cafes ,