
hū yǔ
  • vocative expression;direct address;apostrophe;vocative
呼语 [hū yǔ]
  • [apostrophe] 为达到修辞的目的,对一个人(通常是不在场的人)或一个人格化的物发出的称呼

呼语[hū yǔ]
  1. 因此,对称呼语的研究具有重要的实践意义。

    Therefore , investigation into this linguistic phenomenon is of practical importance .

  2. 俄语常用的呼语及新趋向

    Common forms of Address and the New Trend in Russian

  3. 英汉呼语对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Vocatives

  4. 呼语是言语交际中使用得最广泛、最频繁的词语。

    The address is the most widely and frequently used word in speech communication .

  5. 英语呼语的礼貌标记功能

    English Vocatives as Politeness Markers

  6. 汉语通用社交称呼语及其历时变化(英文)英汉社交称呼变异因素述略

    The Common Social Titles in Chinese and Their Diachronic Changes On Factors of Vocative Changes in English and Chinese Social Contact

  7. 作为一种修辞格,呼语常被用在诗歌中,并伴随着示现或拟人的形式出现。

    As a kind of figure of speech , apostrophe often appears in poetry in the form of vision or personification .

  8. 其中对称呼语的静态研究比较丰富,动态研究相对不足。

    Chapter II reviews the previous studies on address forms and provides a dynamic view for the metaphorical use of address forms .

  9. 时代的变迁与呼语的演变&浅谈苏联解体后呼语的演变

    The Changes of Epoch and the Development of Addressing & Elementary introduction of the development of addressing after the disintegration of Soviet Union

  10. 第三部分是对称呼语语用研究的成果回顾。第三章主要介绍本文的理论框架,包括两部分&社交指示功能及礼貌原则。

    Chapter Three mainly explains the theoretical framework of the thesis , which consists of two sections & social deictic functions and Politeness Principles .

  11. 现代汉语文学作品中呼语转换语用效果的应用&基于《雷雨》的实证分析

    On the application of pragmatic effects of vocative shift in modern Chinese literary works & a case study based on Cao yu 's thunderstorm

  12. 呼语用于与人的对话时,能拉近距离,产生亲切感;

    When it is addressed to somebody , it can shorten the distance between the characters in the conversation and make you feel cordial .

  13. 人称指示语是对言语活动中参与者的符号指称,包括人称代词,称谓,呼语等。

    Person deixis concerns the role of participants in the speech event , including person pronouns , terms of address , vocatives and so on .

  14. 在言语交际中,呼语除了具有指称呼唤功能以外,还可能兼有富于表现力的评品功能。

    In speech communication , the address not only has the function of designation , but also has the function of expressive classification and estimate .

  15. 文章首先介绍了称呼语并阐述了权势关系和同等关系对称呼语选择的制约。

    Address forms are first introduced in this paper and it is made clear that the choice of address forms is constrained by power and solidarity .

  16. 接下来界定插入语的范围,把插入语与感叹语、呼语、拟声语、插入成分以及习惯用语区别开来。

    Next , the scope of the parenthesis defined with interjection , call language , onomatopoetic words , inserted composition , add language , and distinguishes habit .

  17. 称呼语是交际中十分常见的现象,也是交际行为得以实施的必不可少的因素。因此对称呼语的研究,无疑将有助于提高学生运用外语进行交际的能力。

    Address forms are very common and inevitable factors in communication . The research of address forms can enable students to make successful communication with foreign languages .

  18. 对称呼语转换及其语用功能的研究能够丰富称呼语在语用学领域的研究。

    Through the study of the switch of address forms and their pragmatic functions , we can enrich the study of address forms in the field of sociolinguistics and pragmatics .

  19. 他付出代价,在那僵冻季节的日子里,劳役时想起了你。尽管是冰冷的氛围,他燃烧起来为了你,母亲俄罗斯,难道您听不见他的呼语?

    Pays the price , works the seasons through frozen days , he thinks of you cold as ice but he burns for you mother russia , can 't you hear him too ?

  20. 本文提出了一个解释呼语转换语用效果的理论,认为说话者交际的意图的强弱可以通过有标呼语离开其相应的无标呼语的距离反映出来。

    In this paper we have put forwad a theory of measuring the pragmatic effects of vocative shift , arguing that intensions of a speaker can be reflected in the distance of a marked vocative from its corresponding unmarked one in specific conversational context .