- climacteric

It was suggested that flesh softening of Huanghua pear within 5 days after harvest was mainly caused by rapid degradation of starch , which was catalyzed by rapid increase of amylase activity . Energy substance was supplied by starch degradation for respiratory climacteric .
Ethylene will be synthesised rapidly at the stage of climacteric , and produce a series of physiological and biochemical changes in the fruits .
The Relation between Rna and Protein Content and Gel Electrophoresis of Apple Fruits and the Respiratory Climacteric during the Ripening Period of Apple s
The CaM content increased with the increasing of ethylene production , and after the ethylene concentration reached its peak , the CaM content decreased and fruit entered senescence process .
Response of Red Fuji Apple to 1-MCP in Ultra-weak Luminescence , Ethylene Release and Respiration Climacteric
The occurence of respiration climacteric was dependent upon the increase of ethylene production .
Hericium has an apparent process of respiratory climacteric at the storage temperature of20 ℃ .
Onion is a breathless and transitive vegetable , and it has obvious dormant period .
The results showed that kiwifruit , as a typical kind of respiratory climactic fruit , had obvious respiratory climacteric and ethylene production peaks .
According to the respiration characteristics of fruit development and ripening , fruits can be divided into climacteric fruit and non-climacteric categories .