
  1. 本项目以陕西省周至县猕猴桃适生区土壤养分调查制图为例,进行了土壤养分图数字制图技术研究。

    The technology of soil nutrient map digital mapping is studied taken suitable area for Chinese gooseberry in Zhouzhi County , Shannxi province as a case .

  2. 介绍了中国猕猴桃之乡周至县猕猴桃产贮销基本情况,对如何发展猕猴桃产业提出了几点建议。

    Introduced the main situation of kiwi fruit production , storage and sale , gave some suggestions on how to develop kiwi fruit industry in Zhouzhi county .

  3. 介绍了原产于陕西周至的秦美猕猴桃在甘肃天水引种、建园情况。

    This article describes the introduction and orchard establishment of kiwifruit'Qinmei'in Tianshui , Gansu Province .