
  1. A公司的成长很大程度上得益于建立了比较完善的人力资源管理制度,其中有效的员工培训制度发挥了至关重要的作用。

    This remarkable growth of Company A benefits from the human resource management , in which the staff training plays a very active role .

  2. 主要侧重员工培训、健全制度、微机管理和安全生产四个方面,确保设备的各项管理方法和措施能落实到位,真正实现分级管理。

    It particularly emphasizes on training , perfect system , computer management and safe production in order to ensure that every method and measure be applied efficiently .

  3. 重庆饭店业人力资源的整体素质、员工培训、管理制度、企业文化建设存在不足。

    There are some shortcomings existed in human resources of hotels in Chongqing including the whole staffs ability , staffs training , management systems and cultural construction in enterprises .

  4. 创业者从店面选址到装修,从员工培训到经营制度,从广告宣传到营销策略都由总部专业人员提供统一的创业方案。

    Entrepreneurs from the store location to decoration , from staff training to the operating system , from advertising to marketing professionals by the headquarters of a unified business plan .

  5. 同时从经营策略方面进行研究,包括经营观念、危机意识、业务流程、管理制度、员工培训、财务制度、技术研发、品牌和企业文化等。

    Then it take its research in the angle of tactic , including management concept , crisis consciousness , operation flow , management system , stuff train , finance system , technologic research , brand and enterprise culture and so on .

  6. 福建沿海地区民营企业的员工培训工作已初具制度化雏形,但仍存在培训工作功利性倾向、培训工作水平较低等问题。

    The staff training in private enterprises of coastal areas of Fujian has begun to institutionalize initially . But this work still existed utilitarian sexual orientation , the lower the level of training and other issues .