
ái bǎn
  • stiff;rigid;inflexible;wooden;stereotyped;blank;stultify
呆板 [dāi bǎn]
  • [blank;wooden;inflexible;rigid] 死板;不灵活;不活泼

  • 笔调呆板

呆板[ái bǎn]
  1. 尽管在很久以前这些不足就被解决了,但是将RUP作为仪式的且呆板的过程的看法仍旧存在。

    Despite all these deficiencies having been addressed long ago , the perception of RUP as a ceremonial and stiff process still exists .

  2. LED显示器在单片机系统中得到了非常广泛的应用,针对LED显示效果呆板、单调的不足,着重介绍了在LED显示程序中浮动小数点、闪烁光标、显示亮度调节的实现方法及具体程序。

    LED has been widely used in microchip computer systems . As the effect of LED was stiff and bald , this paper emphatically introduced the methods and correspondent programs to deal with the floating point , flashing cursors and brightness adjustment in LED displaying systems .

  3. 饰演父亲的演员太呆板。

    The actor playing the father was too wooden .

  4. 他为人很不错,但我觉得他相当呆板乏味。

    He 's very nice , but I find him rather dull and predictable .

  5. 她的声音平淡而呆板。

    Her voice was flat and expressionless .

  6. 道格拉斯呆板无趣的名声并不副实。

    Douglas has an undeserved reputation for being dull and dry

  7. 证据被当庭呆板地宣读了一遍。

    The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone .

  8. 他有点呆板。

    There is something a little robotic about him .

  9. 观众既呆板又非常守旧。

    The audience was dull and very provincial .

  10. 直射光照明既刺目又呆板。

    Direct illumination is harsh and unflattering .

  11. 那次讲座非常呆板乏味。

    The lecture was as dull as ditchwater .

  12. 二是Web应用程序采用HTML作为前端用户界面所造成的如用户界面单调呆板和响应速度缓慢等种种问题。

    The second is the HTML front ends of web applications have too much weak points such as monotony and slowness .

  13. Meeraj:SCA不只是呆板地实现SOA典型视图:不是所有东西都是松耦合或是无状态的。

    Meeraj : SCA is not just about realizing the stereotypical view of SOA : not everything is loosely coupled or stateless .

  14. 在澳网(AustralianOpen),她给人的印象是在新闻发布会上表现冷淡呆板,还说记者们应该问些有意思的问题。

    At the Australian Open , she had a reputation for being bland and dull at press conferences . She said people should ask her more interesting questions .

  15. 这样就能从轻松的氛围中“舒适”地学英语,往往事半功倍。学习英语:也就是说不能呆板地学习语法,也不能用母语思考英语说话的方式,要使用英语的思维方式。这样才能营造一个好的context语境。

    In other words , don 't read books in your first language that try to analyze or dissect English as a language because you 're just reading about an abstraction .

  16. 据上周四的报道称,节目收视率下降和布兰妮呆板的表现是她和《X音素》分道扬镳的主要原因。

    It was widely reported Thursday that Spears and X Factor were parting ways after a season in which the show 's ratings fell and Spears received lackluster reviews as a panelist .

  17. 但是这一情况将很快将改观,因为这款实用但呆板的汽车即将被新款索尼克(Sonic)所取代。现在,索尼克已在底特律南部投产。

    But that could change soon as that dull utilitarian machine is replaced by the new Sonic , which is starting in production in suburban Detroit .

  18. 尽管与PMD相比较而言,这类数据看起来似乎有些呆板(并且可能有点罗嗦!),但它有它存在的道理。

    While this kind of data may seem pedestrian ( and perhaps verbose !) compared to PMD , it couldn 't be farther from the truth .

  19. 英国智库机构英皇基金(King'sFund)于2011年公布的报告,突出反驳了政治辞令对英国国民卫生服务体系(NHS)“呆板官僚”大军的“嘲笑”。

    A report published in 2011 by the King 's Fund , a UK think-tank , highlighted the " sneering " political rhetoric about the National Health Service 's armies of " faceless bureaucrats . "

  20. 正和他的博士生NancyHenry一起进行研究的史密斯说,一次失败的婚姻在发生代谢综合征风险上大致可以相当于懒散而呆板的生活。

    Smith , who worked on the study with doctoral student Nancy Henry , said a bad marriage was roughly equivalent to leading a sedentary life in terms of raising the risk of metabolic syndrome .

  21. 她取代呆板天真的珊莎·史塔克(SansaStark)与乔佛里订婚。相似的,安妮·博林也挤走了亨利三世的第一任妻子,来自阿拉贡的圣洁的凯瑟琳。

    Her betrothal to Joffrey displaces prim and naive Sansa Stark , like Anne Boleyn displaced the first wife of Henry , saintly Catherine of Aragon .

  22. 它是迪斯尼1967年出品的经典卡通片的真人版本,还是拉迪亚德·吉卜林(RudyardKipling)于1894-1895年写成的小说的呆板改编?

    Is it awacky live-action version of Disney 's classic 1967 cartoon , or is it a po-facedadaptation of Rudyard Kipling 's stories from 1894 and 1895 ?

  23. 他研发了一款名叫Robofly的微型呆板人蝇子,以及一种名叫Fly-O-Vision的三维可视飞行模拟器。

    He has built a tiny robotic fly called Robofly and a3-D visual flight simulator called Fly-O-Vision .

  24. 结果:VPS组患者出现手部动作迟缓、颈肩僵直、步态不稳、表情呆板、智能障碍和锥体束征等临床症状和体征明显多于PD组患者(均P0.01);

    Results : Compared to the PD group , more clinical symptoms and signs in the VPS group were observed as bradypragia of hand , rigidity of neck and shoulder , staggering gait , hypomimia , disturbance of intelligence and speech , and pyramidisign ( P0.01 );

  25. 为了克服蚂蚁算法的信息素和算法收敛的呆板,DAPAS采用了信息素跟网络节点数据贡献值相关的动态自适应信息素调节机制。

    In order to overcome the dull of the pheromone of the ACO algorithm , DAPAS used real-time adaptive pheromone adjustment mechanism that related to the contribution value of the network node data .

  26. 教学方法单一、组织形式呆板等。

    Tedious teaching methods and teaching organization , and so on .

  27. 我过去觉得她脸色不好看,表情又呆板。

    I used to think she had neither complexion nor countenance ;

  28. 她的思想呆板,循规蹈矩地顺着环境。

    Her thoughts were staid and solemnly adapted to a condition .

  29. 起先,纯粹是以呆板的形式来装点门面。

    At first , appearances were kept up through sheer inertia .

  30. 互联网呆板、无情、冰冷,随机性很大。

    It is mechanical and brutal and faceless and unsatisfyingly random .