
xī rù qì
  • inhalator;inspirator
  1. 用万用表检测超声雾化吸入器电路器件的主要参数数据

    Detecting Main Parameters of Circuit Device in Nebulizing Inhalator by Volometer

  2. 氧驱动雾化吸入器消毒方法的临床研究

    The clinical research of the sterilization of spray inhalator

  3. 两种氧气雾化吸入器用于高龄COPD患者效果观察

    Observation of the Effects of Application of Two Kinds of Oxygen Atomization Inhaler in Senior Patients with COPD

  4. 目的:了解哮喘患者对定量雾化吸入器(MDI)和都保吸入器(都保)吸入技术的掌握情况。

    Objective To investigate how asthmatic patients handle metered dose inhaler ( MDI ) and turbuhaler .

  5. 一般家长都会带孩子进来,而莱斯利·怀特(LeslieWhite)则带上了她的雾化吸入器,她解释说:“我喜欢猫,但我对它们过敏。”

    Parents brought their children . Leslie White came with her inhaler , explaining , " I love cats , but I 'm allergic to them . "

  6. 结果:布地奈德粉吸入剂微粒分布与流速、吸入器的结构均有关,吸出量在流速30L·min-1~60L·min-1范围内随流速的增加而增大。

    RESULTS : The size distribution of budesonide powders for inhalation was affected by flow rate and structure of turbuhaler .

  7. 另外,氢氟烷烃(HFA)推进的吸入器需要定期清洗以防止堵塞。

    Also , HFA inhalers need to be cleaned regularly to prevent blockages in the device .

  8. 新德里——在接连几周的时间里,我八岁的儿子布拉姆(Bram)的呼吸变得越来越吃力,他的药用吸入器也变得越来越重要。

    NEW DELHI - FOR weeks the breathing of my 8-year-old son , Bram , had become more labored , his medicinal inhaler increasingly vital .

  9. 新德里&在接连几周的时间里,我八岁的儿子布拉姆(Bram)的呼吸变得越来越吃力,他的药用吸入器也变得越来越重要。

    NEW DELHI &   FOR weeks the breathing of my 8-year-old son , Bram , had become more labored , his medicinal inhaler increasingly vital .

  10. 肺部给药系统中,干粉吸入器(DPI)一直是很受关注的一种给药装置,不需要氟利昂作为抛射剂的优点使其发展迅速。

    Dry powder inhaler ( DPI ) is always popular in pulmonary drug delivery system . It develops so rapidly as a result of avoiding problems inherent in the use of propellant gases ( Freon ) .

  11. Seyferth女士在今年早些时候因为一次严重的肺炎造成了肺部损伤。当天突发哮喘无法呼吸,在上楼去取吸入器时昏厥过去了。

    Ms Seyferth , who suffered lung damage from a severe bout of pneumonia earlier this year , collapsed after going upstairs to fetch her inhaler during an asthma attack that had left her struggling for breath .

  12. 那个也不是真的吸入器,是吧?

    And that 's not a real inhaler , is it ?

  13. 应用干粉吸入器治疗儿童哮喘中存在的问题

    Problems existed in treatment of children with asthma by using dry-powder inhaler

  14. 肖恩用一种吸入器来减轻自己的哮喘病。

    Shaun uses an inhaler to relieve his asthma .

  15. 超声雾化吸入器空气加热装置的制作与临床应用

    Manufacturing of Air - Heated Equipment in Ultrasonic Spray Inhalator and Clinical Application

  16. 在这里的足球场外,散落着许多吸入器。

    The sidelines at kids " soccer games here are littered with inhalers .

  17. 鉴于目前普通医用雾化吸入器在临床应用中的缺陷,特提出改进,开创思路,研制有氧医用雾化吸入器。

    An aerated medical nebulizer is developed to meet the requirements of clinical application .

  18. 时还不能下压吸入器。

    Do not press down the can yet .

  19. 那孩子说他的吸入器怪怪的。

    The kid said his inhaler felt funny .

  20. 该雾粒通过面罩或吸入器送至病员。

    The fog particles are sent to patients through a faceshield or an inhaler .

  21. 他一直在用吸入器吧?

    He 's been using his inhaler ?

  22. 在《艾吉和吸入器》系列漫画中药品摇身一变成了超级英雄,而过敏原则化身为大恶棍。

    Medications are the heroes and allergens become villains in the Iggy and The Inhalers series .

  23. 结论健之素浸泡是临床消毒雾化吸入器的简便有效方法。

    Conclusions The sterilization of the spray inhalator is feasible and effective by soaking in health essence .

  24. 浮标式氧气吸入器。

    Buoy Type Oxygen Inhalator .

  25. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病俱乐部开展定量压力吸入器知识药学服务的效果

    Effects of pharmaceutical care of metered dose inhaler knowledge on patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease club

  26. 氧气雾化吸入器面罩吸氧在食管、贲门癌术后的临床应用

    The Clinical Application of Oxygen Mask Oxygen Inhalation Devices in the Esophagus Cancer and Cardiac Cancer Surgery Patients

  27. 使用人工吸入器而非注射法

    Inhalers Instead of Injections

  28. 用手指与拇指直立地拿著吸入器,将拇指放在底部,及吸口的下方。

    Hold the inhaler upright between fingers and thumb with your thumb on the base , below the mouthpiece .

  29. 在操作吸入器之前,尽可能以最慢的速度开始吸气动作是相当重要的。

    It is important that you start to breath in as slowly as possible just before operating your inhaler .

  30. 分析了现行气泡式氧气吸入器的缺陷,并提出了改进方案。

    This paper analyses the defects of bubble oxygen inhalators currently used , and investigates into their solutions for improvement .