
  1. 一次吴越发生战争,吴王任命商人做统帅,冬天和越人进行水战。

    Once the state of Wu went into war with the state of Yue . The king appointed the merchant to be the general to fight the Yue soldiers in the river in winter times .

  2. 吴越文化在他的词作中打下了深深的烙印。

    Wu yue culture laid a deep imprint in his word .

  3. 晚明吴越风俗与戏剧活动

    Customs and Drama Activities of Wu Yue District in Late Ming Dynasty

  4. 禅教统一体现了佛教发展的趋势,法眼宗以及法眼宗中心区所在的吴越在这方面作出了重要贡献。

    The fa-yen school made important contributions in the unity of Buddhism .

  5. 论吴越丧葬文化的区域性特征

    Regional Features of Funeral Culture in Wu Yue Area

  6. 日本古倭人稻作文化滥觞于中国古吴越

    The ancient Japanese ricefield farming culture stems form ancient Wu Yue of china

  7. 吴越神话传说中的海洋文化精神研究

    A Study of the Ocean Culture Spirit Embodied in Wu-Yue Myths and Legends

  8. 吴越时期舟山寺院文化与海外交流

    The Temple Culture in Zhoushan and Its Overseas Exchanges During the Wuyue Period

  9. 吴越文化的分野

    The dividing line between the Wu and Yue cultures

  10. 吴越系统青铜矛研究

    A Study of Wu and Yue Bronze Spearheads

  11. 春秋晚期吴越冶炼民俗刍议

    On Smelting Folk Custom of Wu Yue in the Late Spring and Autum Annals

  12. 伯喜否是春秋后期吴越争霸史上的重要人物之一。

    Bo Pi is an important person in the late Spring and Autumn Period .

  13. 吴越让男人动心的天真

    Wu yue : naivety arousing man 's enthusiasm

  14. 战争进行了反对某些国家(吴越)。

    Wars were undertaken to oppose some of these states ( Wu and Yue ) .

  15. 第二部分审视《吴越春秋》的史料价值和思想内涵。

    Chapter two is about its value on historical materials and its thought and content .

  16. 舒亶的思想、行为主要受吴越文化特质的影响。

    Shudan 's thought and behavior mainly be affected by the Wu and Yue culture .

  17. 汉代吴越地区进入了地方区域发展的新阶段。

    In Han dynasty the regional development of Wu-Yue area got into a new period .

  18. 终获赦,晚年往游吴越间。

    Is pardoned finally , the old age toward tours between Wu and Yue kingdoms .

  19. 虞舜传说与吴越文化

    Yu Shun Legends and Wu-yue Culture

  20. 文人话本形成了苏州、杭州两个创作、刻印中心,成为吴越文化独特载体。

    Therefore , the script became the unique carrier of the culture of Wu and Yue .

  21. 传说当年吴越两国就是以这座桥为界的。

    It is said that the states Wu and Yue had their boundary on this bridge .

  22. 汉代吴越人才分布特点及原因初探

    Brief Discussion on the Characteristics and Reasons of Talent Distribution in Wu-Yue Area in Han Dynasty

  23. 近代的吴越文化

    The Wu-Yue Culture in Modern Times

  24. 当初先帝答应你去吴越之地学艺,我是反对的。

    When your father allowed you to pursue the arts , I was against the idea .

  25. 公元907年,后梁封他为吴越王,建都于杭州,拥有两浙之地。

    In 907 , Qian Liu was granted as the King of Wuyue with Hangzhou as capital .

  26. 本文在前人研究的基础上,将吴越地区兵器材料汇集在一起,作初步的整理与研究。

    We get the weapons of Wu , Yue area together to make a preliminary sorting and research .

  27. 青铜中有花纹夹刃的当是吴越名剑吧!就是在当时也十分让人羡慕的!

    Bronze has flower veins blade is called Yueming Jian ! It was very admired in that time .

  28. 江南文化发源于先秦时期吴越文化,又是晋唐时期新的历史条件下形成的新文化。

    Jiangnan culture origin Wu and Yue culture , and was a new culture in Jin and Tang dynasty .

  29. 此外,吴越还注意与海外地区保持政治联系,发展经济往来。

    In addition , Wu Yue paid attention to keep political contacts , developed economic dealings with overseas area .

  30. 本论文的研究对象是钱氏吴越国的文献和文学。

    The objective of this research focuses on the historical documentations and literature of Qian ' Kingdom of Wuyue .