
  • 网络jacky;Jacky Wu;Chung-Hsien Wu
  1. 作为台湾家喻户晓的人物,吴宗宪是是XX本土电视台最受欢迎的主持人。

    Jacky Wu is , as everyone in XX knows , the most popular guy on local television .

  2. 吴宗宪是台湾第一个登上时代杂志封面的电视主持人。

    Jacky Wu is the first Taiwanese TV host to appear on the cover of Time magazine .

  3. 一次,周杰伦又拿著自己的得意之作送给吴宗宪审读。

    First , with Jay Chou and Wu to the finest creations of their own reading .

  4. 人家看看他,哦,你是吴宗宪的宣传啊。

    " the producer saw him , said ," oh , are you the Wu 's propaganda ?

  5. 他给我的第一印象是很害羞、很安静,吴宗宪说。

    " My first impression of Jay was that he was so shy , so quiet ," Wu said .

  6. 在幕后工作了很长时间之后,他写歌和唱歌的才能终于被吴宗宪发现了。

    After working behind the scenes for quite some time , he was discovered by Jacky Wu both as a talented songwriter and a singer .

  7. 而当初签下周董的吴宗宪,将成为全案的关键证人,两人甚至有可能在法庭上碰面。

    Jacky Wu , the person who signed the contract with Jay , will play a critical part as the witness . The two people may even meet up in the courtroom .