
  1. 优选的SIB防垢剂能有效抑制吴旗油田产出水结垢,经现场应用能大幅度延长集输系统清垢周期。

    The optimized SIB scale Inhibitor can effectively inhibit scale buildup of produced water and greatly lengthen the period of scale removing in gathering system by field application .

  2. 陕西吴旗县林业生态工程实施方法和对策

    Strategy and Methods on Forestry Eco-engineering Construction in Wuqi County of Shaanxi

  3. 吴旗县不同植被类型土壤干层特征分析

    Analysis of Dried Soil Layer of Different Vegetation Types in Wuqi County

  4. 吴旗苦荞麦粉营养成分分析

    Analysis of Nutritious Components of Wu Qi Fagopyrum tataricum

  5. 吴旗县水土保持生态建设调查报告

    Study Report on Ecological Construction of Soil and Water Conservation of Wuqi County

  6. 结果表明,吴旗油田现场垢样的主要成分为碳酸盐垢;

    The experimental results indicate that scal - ing components are mainly carbonate scale .

  7. 陕西省吴旗县引种小尾寒羊的适应性研究

    Adaption Study of Introducing Small Tail Han Sheep in Wuqi County of Shaanxi Province

  8. 长庆油田靖边-吴旗地区三叠系长63油组储层评价

    Reservoir Evaluation of the Triassic Chang 63 Oil formation in Jingbian-Wuqi Area of Changqing Oilfield

  9. 吴旗地区上三叠统长2组沉积相研究

    Sedimentary Facies Study of Yanchang 2 Group Triassic System in Wuqi Oil Field , Ordos Basin

  10. 农业生态环境恢复重建的模式与对策&以陕北吴旗县为例

    Model and Measures of Restoration and Rebuilding on Agriculture Eco-environment & A Case Study in Wuqi County

  11. 对吴旗县仁用杏园主要虫害的发生期、数量和为害程度等进行了调查。

    The occurrence period , population and damage degree of main pests on almond-apricot in Wuqi County were surveyed .

  12. 广西田东县生态退耕经济效益研究吴旗县退耕还林生态效益价值评估

    Study on Economic Benefit of Returning Cultivated Land to Forests & A Case Study of Tiandong County of Guangxi

  13. 采用野外调查与室内分析相结合的方法,对黄土丘陵区吴旗县植被恢复过程中土壤水分进行了研究。

    Adopting field investigation and indoor analysis methods , soil water during vegetation restoration in loess hilly regions was studied .

  14. 吴旗县覆沙黄土区退耕还林结合封禁的植被恢复效果研究

    Study on Revegetation Effect of Returning Farmland to Forestry Combining Closure in Sand Covered and Loess Region in Wuqi County

  15. 陕北安塞&吴旗地区地下水资源测算及水质评价

    Measuring and Calculation of Groundwater and its Quality Evaluation in Wuqi Area of Ansai County in the Northern part of Shaanxi province

  16. 这名叫吴旗巴拉的女孩在去年媒体报道了她吃泥土的奇怪嗜好之后,如今已经成为小名人了。

    The girl , called Wuqibalaqiqige , became a minor celebrity after the media broadcast stories about her curious eating habits last year .

  17. 通过物候观察、扦插成活率、生长状况及抗性测定等多项指标的研究,结果表明,吴旗11号和西宁5号的种苗在生长量及抗性方面均优于其它产地种苗;

    The results indicated that Wuqi No11 and Xining No.5 seedlings are superior in growth rate and drought resistance than seedlings from other provenances .

  18. 黄土沟壑区植被恢复及其物种多样性的变化&以吴旗县植被恢复为例

    The re-vegetation and changes in species diversity in hilly and gully regions on loess plateau & As seen by the case study in Wuqi county

  19. 对吴旗县降水量和径流量进行时间序列相关分析、典型年对比分析,表明该县植被变化对年径流通量产生了影响,年径流量和泥沙量减小近一半。

    Rainfall as well as the runoff analysis showed that vegetation variation influences the runoff , reducing the annual runoff and sediments by half actually .

  20. 采用X-射线衍射方法分析了吴旗油田现场垢样成分,进而研究了吴旗油田井下及集输系统结垢原因和防垢措施。

    Through analysis of the field scale samples in Wuqi oilfield by X-ray diffraction method , scaling causes and scale control measures are studied in downhole and gath - ering system .

  21. 大庆长垣以西地区扶余油层次生孔隙预测长庆油田靖边-吴旗地区三叠系长63油组储层评价

    Prediction of the Secondary Porosity Zone of Fuyu Oil Layer in the West of Daqing Placanticline Reservoir Evaluation of the Triassic Chang 63 Oil formation in Jingbian-Wuqi Area of Changqing Oilfield

  22. 通过调查吴旗县覆沙黄土区不同时段封禁造林情况,并对此地区植被群落的重要值、物种丰富度、生物量等指标进行分析研究。

    The indexes of importance value , species abundance and biomass about vegetation community in sand covered and loess region in Wuqi county in different time-interval are analyzed , through investigating the situation of the closed vegetational type .

  23. 以黄土高原典型丘陵沟壑区&吴旗县为例,研究了退耕地不同植被恢复年限、不同植被类型和不同恢复方式下的土壤水稳性团聚体含量的变化。

    Based on the observation in the typical hilly and gully region on the Loess Plateau-Wuqi county , the changes of soil water-stable aggregates of different abandoned times ? different types of vegetation and different restoration measures during vegetation restoration in abandoned lands were studied .

  24. 为了科学评价黄土区退耕还林工程及其水土保持和生态效益,该文于2005年7&8月在陕西省延安市吴旗县进行了植被状况调查。

    In order to scientifically evaluate the Grain_for_Green Project and its soil and water conservation benefit , as well as other ecological benefit in the loess region , a vegetation investigation was conducted from July to August , 2005 in Wuqi County , Yan'an City , Shaanxi Province .