
  1. 吴政学从提供买得起的奢侈品中看到了商机,由此创建了85度C;为此,他用各种原料做试验,寻找附加值。

    Mr Wu set up 85C after he saw an opportunity to provide affordable luxury ; hence the experimenting with ingredients in search of added value .

  2. 在创立第一家85度C之前,吴政学曾开过发廊、鞋底工厂和装修公司,还有几家别的公司。

    Before opening the first 85C store , he had set up a hair salon , a shoe-sole factory and an interior decoration business , among several others .

  3. 23岁刚服完兵役那年,吴政学与一些朋友合伙开了间发廊。

    Mr Wu started the hair salon with some friends as a 23-year-old fresh out of military service .

  4. 吴政学甚至设法确保他的咖啡豆与星巴克来自危地马拉同一家优质供应商。

    Mr Wu had even made sure he sourced his beans from the same premium Guatemalan supplier as the US chain .

  5. 吴政学对这家企业最大的投资,也是最大的挑战,就是招人和员工管理。

    The biggest investment Mr Wu has to make in the business , he says , is also the biggest challenge recruiting and managing people .