
wú ɡē kū
  • Angkor Wat
  1. JacqueG.教授最近起草了一份吴哥窟新的旅游模式计划书,

    Professor G. recently drew up plans for new type of tourism at Angkor Wat ,

  2. 我非常想去那,也想尽早去参观吴哥窟(AngkorWat)。

    I would love to go , as well as visit Angkor Wat as soon as possible .

  3. 但是最常与他的名字联系在一起的,则是吴哥窟,他在1860年首次发现了这座高棉帝国(Khmerempire)的遗迹后,令其在欧洲名声大噪。

    But his name is most associated with the Angkor ruins , which he made famous in Europe after first encountering those remnants of the Khmer empire in 1860 .

  4. 全世界已有878个地方被联合国教科文组织收入了世界遗产名录,其中包括美国大峡谷(GrandCanyon)、伦敦塔(TowerofLondon)以及吴哥窟(AngkorWat)。

    From the Grand Canyon to the Tower of London to Angkor Wat , 878 places around the world have been named World Heritage sites by the United Nations , through its Unesco agency .

  5. 受害者的列表包括在美国的Anasazi,西南、玛雅、维京、迈锡尼希腊人和新月、印度河流域、大津巴布韦和吴哥窟的居民。

    S.Southwest , the Maya , the Greenland Norse , Mycenaean Greeks and inhabitants of the Fertile Crescent , the Indus Valley , Great Zimbabwe and Angkor Wat .

  6. 在日出或日落之时访问吴哥窟,可以避开拥挤的人群。

    Go to Angkor Wat during sunrise or sunset to avoid crowds .

  7. 世纪的遗址包括小吴哥窟与大吴哥城。

    The12th century ruins include Angkor Wat and Angkor thom .

  8. 随着吴哥窟的游客数量逐年增加,

    With tourist numbers at Angkor Wat growing every year ,

  9. 吴哥窟区是东南亚最重要的考古学遗址之一。

    Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in South-East Asia .

  10. 大家都来到吴哥窟的同一个地方。”

    everybody enters the city of Angkor Thom at the same spot . "

  11. 你什么时候去吴哥窟的?我都没听说啊。

    When did you visit Angkor Wat ? I haven 't heard of that .

  12. 我们要徒步去吴哥窟。

    We 're going backpacking in Angkor wat .

  13. 陵庙的层级石雕建筑,与柬埔寨吴哥窟相似。

    Mausoleum of the level of stone temple architecture , similar to Angkor and Cambodia .

  14. 吴哥窟:微笑故城

    Angkor Wat , smiling ancient city

  15. 吴哥窟在12世纪早期初建时就令参观者们敬畏不已。

    Angkor Wat has awed visitors since it was first built in the early twelfth century .

  16. 我鹄立在主进口处,赞扬古代吴哥窟构筑师的成绩。

    At the main entrance , I admire the achievement of Angkor Wat 's ancient architects .

  17. 如果真如歌德所说:“建筑是凝固的音乐”,那么吴哥窟就是天籁之音。

    If as Goethe said , architecture is frozen music , then Angkor Wat is a celestial symphony .

  18. 电影《花样年华》的部分镜头是在外景地吴哥窟拍摄的。

    Some scenes in the film In the Mood for Love was shot on location in Angkor Wat ;

  19. 然而吴哥窟仍是只有受到少数损害,现在许多的庙宇仍积极的修护中。

    Today , archeologists from all over the world are actively involved in the restoration process of the temples .

  20. 作为联合国教科文组织的世界遗产之一,吴哥窟可以追溯到12世纪的前半期。

    A Unesco World heritage site , Angkor Wat dates back to the first half of the 12 century .

  21. 我现在站在了吴哥窟的土地上。在千百年前,当地的僧侣们曾在这里祈祷。

    I am on the grounds of Angkor Wat where local monks from hundreds of years ago once prayed .

  22. 在柬埔寨,吴哥窟是最易识别的神殿,也是最美神殿之一。

    Angkor Wat is easily the most recognizable temple in Cambodia as well as one of the most beautiful .

  23. 吴哥窟:柬埔寨西北部吴哥城的寺庙建筑群,是高棉建筑中最伟大的作品。

    Angkor Wat : Temple complex in Angkor ( now in northwestern Cambodia ), the crowning work of Khmer architecture .

  24. 吴哥窟古庙被认为是世界上目前保存最好的宗教类建筑。

    The temples at Angkor Wat are considered among the best surviving examples of ancient religious architecture in the world .

  25. 在明媚的阳光下,一只猴子在柬埔寨吴哥窟的一块大石头边休息。

    Under a beautiful light , a monkey rests on the milennary stones of the Angkor temples , in Cambodia .

  26. 激光扫描了吴哥窟附近的735平方英里的区域,结果显示了整个古城市群。

    In all the lasers scanned 735 square miles of the Angkor region and the results revealed an entire cityscape .

  27. 阳光将东南亚最美的一处杰作——吴哥窟——带到我们面前。

    The sun 's rays introduce us to one of the most beautiful masterpieces in Southeast Asia - Angkor Wat .

  28. 作为许多代高棉王朝的骄傲之作,吴哥窟是唯一出现在国旗上的建筑。

    Angkor Wat , the pride of many Khmers , is the only building to be displayed on any national flag .

  29. 深藏在丛林中的吴哥窟是柬埔寨百佘座的古代庙宇中的一部分。

    Ankor Wat is part of a vast network of around a hundred ancient temples hidden deep in the Cambodian jungle .

  30. 柬埔寨的各种景点长期以来吸引着游客到来,从红色高棉杀人场、到壮观的吴哥窟。

    Cambodia has long drawn tourists to sights ranging from the Khmer Rouge killing fields to the magnificent temples of Angkor .