
  • 网络Wuqi;wuqi county
  1. 1998年以来,吴起县共在退耕地营造沙棘林12.53万hm2,人均1hm2,吴起也成为全国沙棘种植面积最大的县。

    Because more than 1.88 million mu of seabuckthorn forests , 15 mu per capita , has been planted in the rehabilitated lands since 1998 , Wuqi County is the largest county with seabuckthorn plantation in China .

  2. 吴起县最佳林草覆被率为50%。

    The best forest coverage rate of Wuqi county is50 % .

  3. 吴起县退耕还林可持续性研究

    The Continuation of the Returning Farmland to Forest land in Wuqi County

  4. 吴起县文冠果生物能源林发展战略研究

    Study on Development Strategy of Xanthoceras Sorbifolia Energy Forest in Wuqi County

  5. 吴起县森林资源变化分析及经营对策研究

    Changes of Forest Resources and Management in Wuqi and Counter-measures for Improvement

  6. 吴起县耕地动态变化与粮食安全研究

    Study of Cultivated Change and Grain Security in Wuqi County

  7. 吴起县农业可持续增长的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Wuqi County

  8. 吴起县黄土滑坡滑动模式及形成机理研究

    Study on Sliding Mode and Formation Mechanism of Loess Landslide in WuQi

  9. 吴起县2015年水资源承载力评价

    Estimation on the Carrying Capacity of Water Resources in Wuqi County in 2015

  10. 黄土高原吴起县合家沟流域困难立地生境特征研究

    Research of the Difficulties Site 's Habitat Characteristics in Hilly Region on Loess Plateau

  11. 陕西吴起县植被盖度变化及其影响因素研究

    Research on vegetation coverage change and its impact factors in Wuqi Country , Shaanxi Province

  12. 吴起县退耕还林工程对三农的影响研究

    Study on the Effect of Grain for Green Project on " Three Rural " in Wuqi County

  13. 退耕还林(草)对农业产业结构调整影响研究&以陕西省吴起县为例

    Study on Effects of Returning Land for Farming to Forestry ( Grass ) on Agricultural Industrial Structure Adjustment

  14. 吴起县不同退耕阶段农地资源生态服务价值评估分析

    Estimation and analysis of the ecosystem service value of agriculture land resource in Wuqi county during three de-faring periods

  15. 基于灰色理论的吴起县适宜退耕还林面积的预测

    Prediction of the Suitable Area of the Grain for Forest and Grass Project in Wuqi County Based on Grey Theory

  16. 通过对以上资料的分析,归纳总结了吴起县地质灾害发育特征和分布规律。

    Through the analysis of above data , geological disasters development characteristics and distribution law I in Wuqi County are summed up .

  17. 黄土丘陵沟壑区耕地数量动态变化及其驱动力分析&以吴起县为例

    Analysis of dynamic changes and driving forces of area of cultivated land in Loess hilly-gully region & A case study of Wuqi County

  18. 黄土高原丘陵沟壑区退耕还林(草)工程实施综合效益评价&以陕西省吴起县为例

    Assessment on the Comprehensive Benefits of Converting Farmland to Forest Project in Loess Hilly Regions & A Case Study of Wuqi County , Shaanxi Province

  19. 在几个部分中,不同程度地引用了一些案例来说明自己的观点,并在论文的最后一部分,专门对陕西吴起县生态性实践的经验进行了比较系统的介绍。

    Case is use to prove views in some chapter , in the last section , the case of ecological practice in Wuqi county is systematically introduced .

  20. 探讨了退耕还林给陕西省吴起县粮食产量、农村生活、能源、农民经济收入、思想观念等方面所产生的影响。

    The Conversion of Cropland to Forestland Program cause some influences in grain yield of the Wuqi county , energy of life in the countryside , farmers ' economic income and their ideas , etc.

  21. 本研究选择了陕西省延安市吴起县为特征试验区域,通过对土壤样本的分层采样及处理、土壤水分含量测定和数学分析方法来探索陕北半干旱黄土区不同规格鱼鳞坑土壤水分变化规律。

    This thesis has Wuqi County in Yan ' an in Shaanxi Province as the experimental region , explore the fish-scale pits of different specifications in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi province by stratified sampling of soil samples , determination of soil water content and mathematical analysis .

  22. 文章主要通过宏观层面和微观层面相结合的方法研究退耕还林(草)对吴起县耕地变化及粮食生产的影响。

    In this paper , we studied the extent of the impact of the implementation of conversion of cropland to forest ( grass ) for cropland lands and local grain production in Wuqi county . The method of the article is that combining the macro level with the micro level .