
  1. 吐鲁番出土文书充分证明了这一史实。

    The unearthed documents in Turpan fully testify the historical fact .

  2. 吐鲁番出土文书释词吐鲁番出土文书俗字研究

    The Study of the Common Chinese Words in the Unearthed Documents in Turfan

  3. 价值与原产地综合证书吐鲁番出土文书充分证明了这一史实。

    Combined certificate of value and origin The unearthed documents in Turpan fully testify the historical fact .

  4. 在吐鲁番出土文书中,有11件以葡萄园券契命名的葡萄园租佃与买卖文书。

    Among the Turfan unearthed documents , 11 vineyard tenancy and business documents named by vinyard ticket contract .

  5. 本专题从内容上把《吐鲁番出土文书》分为官府文书和私家文书两大类。

    This topic from the content to the unearthed documents in Turpan "" for official documents and private documents .

  6. 本文应用吐鲁番出土文书,研究了唐初西域的政治经济状况。

    The author studies political and economic situation in the Western Regions in Earlier Tang Dynasty by using writ excavated from Tulufan .

  7. 具体而言,本文希望通过吐鲁番出土文书,从户籍制度上对这一问题进行历史观察。

    Speaking concretely , this paper wants to explore the question by examining the household system as it is found in documents excavated in Turfan .

  8. 摘要本文主要根据吐鲁番出土文书,结合有关历史文献,详细探讨了萨珊银币作为氏王朝高昌的基价货币,在政府税收和民间商品交易中的比值。

    This paper , on the basis of the unearthed documents in Turpan and other historic records , discusses the role that Sasanid coin played as a coin of basis price in qu 's Gaochang and its specific value in government tax revenue and trade .

  9. 吐鲁番出土的文书和随葬品充分证明了这一历史史实。

    The ancient books and articles in the tombs unearthed in Turpan have proved this historical fact .

  10. 第一部分是概论,主要交代本文的写作缘由,介绍国内外对吐鲁番出土租佃契约文书立契日期格式的研究状况,以及本文的研究内容、使用材料的情况、研究方法和研究意义。

    The first part is the introduction to the writing the reason 、 introducing research status at home and abroad 、 situation using of materials 、 research methods and significance .