
  • Legal role;【法】act of law
  1. 在法律作用方面,要不断完善法律制度从而充分保护广大中小投资者的利益。

    Perfecting the relative law system to protect the interests of middle-small investors .

  2. 论法律作用下的社会团结的两种形态

    Two Forms of Social Solidarity Under the Legal Effect

  3. 在分析专利信息技术、经济、法律作用的基础上,对新形势下企业的专利信息策略进行了探讨。

    It is discussed patent information stratagem of enterprise under new circumstances on the basis of analyzing technical action , economical action , legal action of patent information .

  4. 现代社会法治的确立以及法律作用的扩展和增强,使法律职业变得越加重要。

    With the establishment of modern social " rule by law ", along with the expansion and strength of law functions , the law - occupation become more and more important .

  5. 尽管现存集体安全体制还存在法规不完善等问题,但实践的发展明确要求法律作用的强化,以推动联合国改革朝着更加规则化的方向发展。

    Though the rules of the collective security system are imperfect , the effect of law should be reinforced to urge the reform of the UN in a more rules-oriented direction .

  6. 病案作为原始资料,为教学、科研、医院管理提供了依据,同时也具有重要的法律作用。

    As the first-hand material , the medical record provides the basis of the teaching , research and management of the hospital , and at the same time , it is of important of the function of law .

  7. 本文在回顾了1949年新中国成立以来我国对法律作用的认识历程的基础上,指出当前我国的法制建设首先从破除法律虚无主义,树立法律至上权威入手。

    This article points out that nihilism of law must be got rid of and the authority of law must be established in the construction law system in present China , after reviewing people 's understanding of the functions of law since the founding of new China .

  8. 文章探讨了科学研究与发展(RD)信息保障法律的作用与内容,分析了我国RD信息保障法律建设的现状,提出了完善RD信息保障法律建设的若干建议。

    The functions and contents of information guarantee law in R & D is discussed in this paper . After analysing the current situation of information guarantee law in China , the author makes some suggestions for improving information guarantee law .

  9. 论法律的作用分析了基于拉马克主义的进化学习策略(简称LELS)和基于达尔文主义的进化学习策略(简称DELS)的异同;

    On the Effect of Law The Lamarckian evolution learning strategy ( LELS ) and Darwinian evolution learning strategy ( DELS ) are discussed in terms of their similarities and differences in learn - ing implementation .

  10. 医务人员需重视病案的法律证据作用

    Attach importance to the law proof functions in the medical record

  11. 为此,美国图书馆界采取推动立法和充分发挥现有法律的作用等应对措施来确保用户的隐私权。

    Therefore , American community takes actions to defend users right .

  12. 借贷活动中信任的建构与法律的作用

    Maintaining Trust Between Debit and Credit Sides and The Force of Law

  13. 自由价值构建中法律的作用

    The Role of Law in the Establishment of the Value of Freedom

  14. 这一调整方式,是法律发生作用的基本形式。

    It is an adjustment way that law basically functions .

  15. 而要使法律发挥作用,最重要的还是法律的贯彻执行。

    The most important is law 's execution to develop the law 's funtion .

  16. 但我们不应该是太机会主义关于严厉法律的作用。

    But we should not be too opportunistic about the effects of severe laws .

  17. 在众多的版权保护制度中,法律的作用显然最为重要。

    Among the numerous copyright protection systems , law obviously plays the most important role .

  18. 周礼对西周社会起着法律调节作用,具有法的构成要素:规范性、国家意志性和强制性。

    Gift of Zhou Dynasty plays the legal regulating action to national willing and mandatory .

  19. 论法律的作用

    On the Effect of Law

  20. 法律的作用是惩恶;道德的作用是扬善。

    The function of law is to punish evil while that of morality is to reward good .

  21. “道德教化”论的基本观点和趋向是忽视法律及其作用。

    The basic ideas and tendency of " moralization " are the negligence of law and its role .

  22. 从而全面揭示出金朝法律的作用以及在中国古代法制史上具有的重要地位。

    In deed , the function and the importance of it in Chinese legal system were displayed wholly .

  23. 人治传统下法律的作用使其缺少对法律的利益感受。

    In the tradition of rule of men , function of laws did not make people experience the interests of laws .

  24. 总的来说,法律的作用是维持秩序,保护财产、权利和已建立的关系。

    But by and large , law is there to maintain the order , to protect property , rights , and established relationships .

  25. 在倡导依法治体的今天,加强职业足球法制建设、突出法律的作用将是职业足球健康发展必须面临的现实。

    Now , proposing the law and strengthening the law construction are the reality we must face which ensure the health development of football .

  26. 在法治社会中,法律的作用越来越重要,尤其是对于实现人的价值和意义来讲更是如此。

    The role of law is more and more important in a legal society , especially to the realization of human 's value and significance .

  27. 在领导俄国人民进行社会主义革命和建设实践中,列宁十分重视法律的作用,主张依法治国;

    In the process of socialist revolution and construction , Lenin attached great importance to the role of law and ruling the country by law .

  28. 当然,法律的作用取决于那些遵守法律或规避法律的人们&而长期以来,规避法律的做法在中国更受青睐。

    Of course laws are only as good as people who obey or evade them : and evasion has long been the preferred practice in China .

  29. 因此,要弄清法律及其作用,我们需要弄清法律论证及其评价标准。

    Consequently , to understand the law and its role in our lives , we need to understand legal arguments and the criteria for evaluating them .

  30. 为了降低行政权力的负面效应,必须强调行政程序的各项原则与制度,实现行政程序在控权上的法律保障作用。

    For the sake of reducing negative effect , the administration power must emphasize various principles of the administration procedure and system and realize legal protection of administration pro .