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hòu shǒu
  • defensive position;defensive position (in chess);a way of escape
后手 [hòu shǒu]
  • (1) [defensive position (in chess)]∶下棋时被动的形势

  • 这一着一走错,就变成后手了

  • (2) [a way of escape]∶后路

  • 留后手

后手[hòu shǒu]
  1. 这一着儿一走错;先手就变成后手了。

    This false move has forced you onto the defensive .

  2. 在和那家伙的来往中我必须十分小心,因为不管他看起来多诚实,可以肯定他留有后手。

    I should be very cautious in any dealing with that fellow , for however honest he appears to be , you can be sure he has something up his sleeve .

  3. 有有限证据表明,LR术后手功能评分好于LRTI,而两者缓解疼痛的效果相似;

    Limited evidence showed that LR produced better functional scores than LRTI and similar results in pain relief to LRTI .

  4. 目的探讨手外伤后手功能重建的几种方法。

    Objective To study the methods for functional reconstruction of hand .

  5. 女子跳马腱子后手翻技术的运动学分析

    A Kinematic Analysis of Round-off and Back-Handspring in Women Horse Vault

  6. 洗手后手的合格率为80%;

    The coincidence standard rate of hand-washing was 80 % .

  7. 我完成后手会有点酸。

    My hands may be a little sore when I 'm done .

  8. 后手要稳,狄格尔,再来

    Anchor the rear hand , Diggle . Come on .

  9. 优秀女子拳击运动员后手直拳技术动作上肢肌肉表面肌电分析

    Surface Electromyography of Upper Extremity Muscles for Elite Female Boxers ' Straight Punches

  10. 断腕再植术后手内在肌挛缩

    Intrinsic muscle contracture of the hand following wrist replantation

  11. 为什么一到夏天后手上就喜欢长水泡?

    Why to like to grow bleb to hand of summerly Queen of heaven ?

  12. 早期康复训练并物理因子治疗对创伤性周围神经损伤后手功能恢复的影响

    Effect of Early Rehabilitation Training and Physical Therapy on Hand Function Following Peripheral Nerve Injury

  13. 早期主动活动对屈指肌腱修复术后手功能恢复的影响

    Effect of early active motion on the functional recovery of hand receiving flexor tendon repair

  14. 早期联合抗抑郁治疗对脑卒中后手功能障碍并发抑郁的影响

    Combination of Early Rehabilitation and Anti-depression Therapy in Stroke Patients with Hand Dysfunction and Depression

  15. 法国新总统奥朗德在获得胜利后手握玫瑰发表演讲。

    French new president Francois Hollande holds a bouquet of roses after delivering his speech 。

  16. 王恬恬跳马踺子后手翻直体后空翻转体720°的运动学分析

    Kinematical Analysis of Wang Tian-tian 's Vaulting

  17. 后手翻动作教学训练研究

    Action study of flip flop training

  18. 双重股薄肌移植重建全臂丛根性撕脱伤后手握持功能

    Functional reconstruction of hand prehension after complete root avulsion of brachial plexus by double gracilis transplantations

  19. 自1987年收治烧伤后手部残缺畸形46例。

    Since 1987 , we have treated 46 cases of incomplete deformities of hand caused by burn .

  20. 系统化整体化护理对断指再植术后手功能恢复的影响

    Effect of Systematic and Holistic Nursing on the Functional Recovery of Hand with Replantation of Severed Finger

  21. 相对于上臂丛及全臂丛神经损伤,下臂丛神经损伤治疗办法不多,尽早有效恢复手的功能,是下臂丛损伤的治疗要点,目前各种手术办法术后手握持功能不能有效恢复。

    Now approach of surgical treatment for brachial plexus injury mostly is never transpositioning and reconstructing function .

  22. 断掌腕再植术后手内在肌挛缩的原因及防治措施

    The pathogenic mechanism and prevention and treatment of muscle contracture after replantation of severed palm or wrist

  23. 但是当他比赛后手感热得发烫时,每个人都给他喂球,于是,得分持续地累积。

    But when he started out that hot , everybody fed into it and it just kept accumulating .

  24. 持票人为背书人的,对其后手无追索权。

    Where the holder is an endorser , he has no right of recourse against the subsequent parties .

  25. 噢我明白了先向左再向右再来个后手翻然后落地

    Oh , I know this . Go left , then right , back handspring , stick the landing

  26. 目的探讨可调式肢体抬高支架对术后手部制动及成活率的作用。

    Objective To explore the effect of adjustable lifting upholder on hand immobilization and survival rate after digital replantation .

  27. 作者报告了小儿烧伤后手部疤痕挛缩畸形76例,病程3月~6年,共122处疤痕,位于手指71处,手背21处,虎口15处,指蹼15处。

    76 children were deformed by hand scar contracture . The case history ranged from 3 months to 6 years .

  28. 早期康复护理对指屈肌腱修复后手功能恢复的疗效观察

    Therapeutic effect of early stage rehabilitation nursing care on recovery of manual function of patients after finger flection tendon repair

  29. 目的探讨超声治疗对Ⅱ区指屈肌腱损伤修复术后手功能的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of ultrasound therapy and functional training in the treatment of flexor tendon repair in zone ⅱ .

  30. 外科手消毒后手部残存的细菌经鉴定均为枯草杆菌,无致病菌检出。

    Hand residual bacteria was identified as bacillus subtilis after surgical hand antisepsis , and no pathogenic bacteria was detected . 9 .