
  1. 航空专家认为,该男子在落地之前已经死亡,死于飞机起飞后不久起落架收起时的挤压,或者高空的极寒。

    Aviation experts say he was probably dead before he hit the ground either because he had been crushed by the retracting landing gear shortly after the plane took off or because of the extreme cold at high altitude .

  2. 英国民用航空局的理查德•泰勒认为,藏在飞机起落架上的偷渡者没有机会幸存,有可能在飞机起飞后受起落架的挤压,或者难耐高空零下40度的极寒。

    Richard Taylor , of the Civil Aviation Authority , said a stowaway in an aircraft undercarriage was unlikely to have survive as he would either be crushed by the wheels after take-off or freeze in temperatures as low as minus 40C .

  3. 后三点起落架的典型例子:喷火战斗机、道格拉斯DC-3。

    Good examples of taildragger aircraft include the Spitfire and DC-3 of World War II .

  4. 后三点起落架最吸引人的优点就是“简洁”。

    What makes this form of landing gear most attractive is its simplicity .

  5. 航后发现前起落架镜面太低,结果发现是充气活门锁不死漏气所致。

    Postflight found nose gear mirror too low , check found due charging valve csn 't lock , leak air .

  6. 同时,后三点起落架的飞机,更便于地勤人员把飞机拖到停机棚等窄小的空间里。

    Furthermore , taildragger planes are generally easier for ground personnel to maneuver around in confined spaces like a hangar .

  7. 另外,由于前轮距重心较远,就不会出现后三点起落架容易发生的“拿大顶”现象。(意译)

    In addition , the nosewheel makes it impossible for the plane to tip over on its nose during landing , as can sometimes happen on taildraggers .

  8. 一个事件后视觉对鼻子起落架组件的检查没有显示异常。

    A post-incident visual inspection of the nose landing gear assembly revealed no anomalies .

  9. 请目视检查起落架及轮胎是否完整无损,火熄灭后才收上起落架。

    Check visually if gear and tyre are intact , do not retract the landing gear until fire is out .