- Afterimage;after image

Objective To study the relativity between the flight of colors test and the early diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy ( DR ) .
The detection rate of abnormal retinal correspondence varied with the methods used . It was 51.3 % by synoptophore test , 26 % by after-image test and 15 % by Worth four-dot test .
Outbound processing for the JDBC adapter supports two business object styles when sending or retrieving data from the database : after-image and delta .
Objective A new interpretation to the purpose of afterimage Test .
A new interpretation to the purpose of Afterimage Test
You wanna graduate baird , become a rich big shot like them .
The outline you saw is known as an afterimage , or ghost image .
The final version that is to be stored in the database is the after-image .
Back - image - adjustable edging adaptor Effect of tilt - back seat on gnosia
Operations that use an after-image business object style are create , update and delete .
An after-image business object is the complete business object after all changes have been made .
She dive below the surface , then bob up like a cork again a few second later .
When the girl was captured , she fought tooth and nail like a wild cat to get away .
You can think of it as something like the vibration of a string after it has been struck .
You wanna get rich . You wanna graduate Baird , become a rich big shot ④ like them .
On December 14 last year , 26 Bangladeshis woke up and left as usual for their Dhaka garment factory .
Clinical study of combined therapy by prolonged posterior imaging and multicolor light-scintillate time in moderate and severe degree of amblyopia
My first counselor in Toronto suggested me to take all the required credits as a part-time student after work .
You will see the afterimage on your hand and it will appear larger than when it was on the wall .
Meanwhile , applied traditional complex treatment , which involved covering the eyes , fine sight training , ocular spectra and red filter treatment .
There are about eight million rural children who migrate to China 's cities like me and study at the nonstandard private schools because they don 't have a City-Hukou .
With the principles and process of making slope showing photomap in digital geological logging introduced , this paper mainly expatiates two methods of geometric rectification of photomap after distortion correction .
Due to the physical prerequisite of Afterimage , the ideal viewing environment should have light controller and spare enough space for a suitable proximity between the project itself and audience .
· METHODS : A total of 243 cases ( 408 eyes ) of developmental amblyopia underwent comprehensive therapy including glasses , eye-shade , red light glitter , photogene and eyesight exercise .
METHODS : 33 children with serious unilateral amblyopia were treated comprehensively by using spectacles , envelopment of dominant eye , fine occupational therapy , multiple color light flicker pleoptophor , point massage , medicine , euthyscope , and refractive penalization etc.
Auditory evoked imagery solves the interference problem of visual after-image , and consistent with the " up-dowm " process , because the subjects come into being the imagery is based on past experience , starting from their own and active processing .
· METHODS : Intensive afterimage therapy was applied on 32 children with severe strabismic amblyopia to make them have visual acuity of 0.2-0.3 and strabismus degree was more than 20 ° . Then they were treated with ocular muscle operation . Amblyopia training was continued after surgery .