
  • 网络gay men's wives;Gay Wife
  1. 这项提案将有利于那些不希望被贴上离婚标签的男同性恋妻子,Tabitha说,同妻协会的一名志愿者,一个网上支持男同性恋者的配偶的组织。

    The proposal will be advantageous for gay wives who do not wish to be labeled as divorcees , said " Tabitha , " a volunteer with the Tongqi Association , an online support group for wives of gay men .

  2. 张北川教授表示,让人们听到同妻们的声音,这是提升公众关注度的第一步。

    Zhang said that getting their voice heard was the first step to raising public awareness .

  3. 他说:但同妻们一直挣扎在困境中,她们的处境应该得到关注。

    " But their wives are struggling to cope and their plight should be recognized ," he said .

  4. 她表示:这个网站可以让同妻们感觉到她们并不孤单,并帮助她们做出正确的选择。

    " The website makes them feel they ` re not alone and empowers them to make the right choices ," she said .

  5. 萧瑶如今开设了一家名为同妻家园的网站,该网站拥有1200名注册用户,并向同妻人群提供支持和建议。

    Xiao now runs a website called " Homeland of gays ` wives ", which has 1,200 registered users and provides support and advice .

  6. 同志以及同妻人群都是社会歧视和病态的牺牲者,所以我们不应该只是简单地对一方进行指责。

    " Gay men and gays ` wives are both victims of social discrimination and stigma , so we should not simply blame one party ," he said .

  7. 他还补充道:将同妻人群推到聚光灯下,可能会造成人们对同性恋人群的进一步误解,甚至是憎恶,这不利于消除现在社会对于这个特殊群体的歧视。

    " To put gays ` wives under the spotlight might cause more public misunderstanding or even hatred toward the gay population , which does not help defuse existing social discrimination against them ," he added .

  8. 挪亚就同他的妻和儿子,儿妇,都进入方舟,躲避洪水。

    And Noah went in , and his sons , and his wife , and his sons'wives with him , into the ark , because of the waters of the flood .

  9. 他介绍我们同他的未婚妻见面。

    He introduced us to his betrothed .

  10. 1993年,一个叫做斯福·威廉·马德勒射的24岁的小伙子同他的未婚妻发生了一起严重的车祸。

    In 1993 , a 24-year-old South African man named Sipho William Mdletshe and his fiance were involved in a severe car accident .

  11. 我却要与你立约,你同你的妻,与儿子,儿妇,都要进入方舟。

    But with thee will I establish my covenant ; and thou shalt come into the ark , thou , and thy sons , and thy wife , and thy sons'wives with thee .

  12. 波阿斯说,你从拿俄米手中买这地的时候,也当娶(原文作买十节同)死人的妻摩押女子路得,使死人在产业上存留他的名。

    Then said Boaz , What day thou buyest the field of the hand of Naomi , thou must buy it also of Ruth the Moabitess , the wife of the dead , to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance .