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  1. 日本的离婚率在今年飘升之后,这个在全同共有4700名成员的支持团体也就随之壮大起来。

    The support group of 4700 members nationwide grew when divorce spiked in japan this year .

  2. 我国农村集体土地中的大部分应该属于村民小组范围内的农民集体所有,此外还应允许村农民集体、乡范围内的农民集体总同共有小部分土地。

    The most of collective rural land should belong to peasants ' collective of village group scope , the fewer part of collective rural land may belong to peasants ' collective of the whole village or the whole township .

  3. 采用CdS和CdSt2同阳离子共沉淀的方法制备了一种新型的纳米尺寸CdS微粒具有三明治结构,并且是尺寸可控的,在制备过程中硬脂酸镉起着重要作用。

    In this article , a new type of nano-sized CdS , prepared by common cation coprecipitation of CdS with CdSt 2 ( cadmium stearate ), is reported . CdSt 2 plays an important role in the formation of sandwiched and size-controllable CdS nanoparticles .

  4. 这些贡献者们不仅是与Drupal同呼吸共命运的人,还会偶尔对自己的站点进行代码修复,然后将这些修复打包为补丁,供其他人使用。

    Contributors aren 't just people who live and breath Drupal ; many contributors make the occasional code fix for their own sites , which they then post as a patch for others to use .

  5. 玛丽和里奇奥、博思韦尔同床共眠,还杀死了她的丈夫。

    Mary slept with Riccio and Bothwell and killed her husband .

  6. 他们似乎甚至不屑于与我同席共餐。

    It seems they had even refused to meet me at dinner .

  7. 人与自然是同生存共命运的统一整体。

    Humanbeing and nature is entity of coexistence and homobjum .

  8. 婚姻是唯一你和敌人同床共寝的战争。(床头打架床尾和。)

    Marriage is the only war where you sleep with the enemy .

  9. 盗贼潜进这位体操运动员同父母共住的房子。

    The thief broke into the house the gymnast shares with her parents .

  10. 建安文人同题共作的意义与作用是多元的。

    The writers'writing on same topic effect literature in many aspects in Jianan period .

  11. 他们在斗争中和工农同甘苦共命运。

    They cast in their lot with the workers and peasants in the struggle .

  12. 概述了马来酸酐接枝聚烯烃同尼龙共混合金的制备方法及目前最新的研究进展。

    The preparation and latest progress in the study of polyolefin-g-MAH / nylon alloy reviewed .

  13. “同饮共食”一直以来都是一个重要的求爱礼节与爱情象征。

    Sharing meals has always been an important courtship ritual and a metaphor for love .

  14. 和万物同频共振动的现代科学的原理,创造出来的。

    And all things were the same frequency vibration of the modern scientific principles , Created .

  15. 中国人保是与新中国同生共长,见证并参与我国社会主义建设和改革开放伟大事业的大型国有保险公司。

    As the large state-owned insurance company , PICC was born and has been growing with the new China .

  16. 现代科技不仅使艺术产业化成为可能,也使艺术与传播媒介同生共长。

    Modern technology not only put the art-industrialization into practice but also impulse the art and media to grows together .

  17. 处于社会转型期的农民道德观念的嬗变呈现出若干特点,新的和旧的、先进的和落后的、真善美和很恶丑同生共长。

    The change of the sense of morality among the peasants is characteristic of co-existence of advanced and backward ideas .

  18. 你别指望他会帮你度过难关,他只会同你共安乐却难同你共患难。

    You don 't look for his help to pull through , he only share joy with you but adversity .

  19. 玛丽和博思韦尔杀死了达恩利,他说。玛丽和里奇奥、博思韦尔同床共眠,还杀死了她的丈夫。

    Mary and Bothwell killed Darn - ley , he said.Mary slept with Riccio and Bothwell and killed her husband .

  20. 众所周知,爱是两人同床共梦,祝你们爱河无边,福海无际。

    It 's known that love is a dream shared by two . Wishing you a world of happiness and love .

  21. 就批评而言,同题共作不仅促进了批评的深化,而且推动了批评重心的转移。

    Second , the writing on same topic not only made the critics deeper , but also transfer the focus of it .

  22. 在同车共址干扰带宽自动测试系统中发现由于仪器的反应速度较慢,导致了测试效率低下。

    It is find that the co-site interference bandwidth test is inefficient as a result of slower reaction speed of the instrument .

  23. 任何一方都不可能灭掉对方而独立存在,同生共荣方为大本。

    Any party can wipe out the other and exist independently by itself , and co-existence with common prosperity is the fundamental rule .

  24. 我们经历了许多生死与共的战斗。他们在斗争中和工农同甘苦共命运。

    We have gone through life and death battles . They cast in their lot with the workers and peasants in the struggle .

  25. 但是,看过柴静的片子之后,我才发现我们不仅同呼吸共命运,而且还能为此做很多事。

    But Chai told me we share the same fate since we breathe the same air and there is a lot I can do .

  26. 近代陕北社会与近代中国同呼吸共命运,国内的每一次变革在陕北都产生过重大影响。

    Modern society of North Shaanxi shares the same breath with modern China . Each change in China has a significant impact on North Shaanxi .

  27. 这是真的,因为有些东西你用钱买不到,比如新鲜空气、爱、一种同呼吸共命运的感觉,还有满足感。

    It 's true that there are some things that money cannot buy like fresh air , love , a sense of community , and fulfillment .

  28. 强化信息:我们是一个整体。同生存共患难。生死与共。医生们和护士们密切合作,共同救死扶伤。

    Reinforce the team message : We are one * . we live or die together . Doctors and nurses work hand in hand to save lives .

  29. 我曾见过的超级优秀的老板们,都对他们的工作极具热情,他们同工作共生活共呼吸,尽最大努力将工作做到最好。

    The very best bosses Ive seen are passionate about their work ; they live and breathe their jobs and strive to do the best work possible .

  30. 港澳回归后,两岸四地经济合作将在更大的层面上展开,以实现互促互补,同生共长;

    After returning of Hong Kong and Macao , the economic cooperation among the four Chinese communities will be conducted on a wider basis to achieve complementary advancement .