
  • 网络hotel
  1. 与合作酒店良好互动,让我们的培训持续发展。

    And cooperation hotel good interaction , let our training sustainable development .

  2. 我还去和航空公司合作的酒店和餐馆去消费,那样做又给了我额外的奖励里程。

    I also use a lot of the hotels and restaurants that partner with the airlines , and doing that gives me bonus miles .

  3. 有新加坡丰隆集团及厦门旅游集团合作的高档酒店!

    Hong Leong Group of Singapore and Xiamen Tourism Group cooperation in high-end hotels !

  4. 当然,酒店业主和经营者之间的良好合作也为酒店打下了成功的基础。

    Of course the foundation has been set by a great partnership between the hotel owner and the operator .

  5. 博伟国际教育集团和国际调酒师协会合作开创了酒店管理的新领域。

    A new era in Hospitality has dawn with the inaugural partnership between Dimensions Education Group and International Bartenders Association .

  6. 合作方式:酒店产权经营权出让,或引进品牌酒店管理公司经营管理。

    Cooperation method : hotel property rights and operation rights transfer , or introduce brand hotel management companies for operation and management .

  7. 好莱坞与哈尔滨合作拍摄《马迭尔酒店》。

    Hollywood movie to be filmed in Harbin .