- 网络best tone

BJ Telecom BEST TONE Business Models Analysis
China Telecom introduces a " Best Tone " service in order to extend and develop traditional number querying service , so that it meets all kinds of potential information searching requirements from customers .
In this paper , the actual Wuxi , China Telecom on the number of business know all the market situation and technical evolution of the business conducted on the use SWOT analysis of a comprehensive analysis of the current business situation faced by the competition .
Text Search Engine Design and Optimization Measures for 114
September 2005 , China Telecom Group decided to build up brand new NKS brand as one of the most important product during transformation period .
The number is to know all business in the transition process through the existing 114 directory assistance to enhance the integration of business generated .
At the same time , according to knowledgeable person on the number of business models , put forward a number Wuxi know all the telecommunications business in the future development direction and ideas .
Tone business is one of the typical businesses in the period of business transformation and service transformation of China Telecom which is quite different from traditional telecommunications business in business model and business development strategy .
With the growth of telecommunication transformation service in recent years , China Telecom changes from the traditional foundation of the network operators to integrated information service providers . The service of best tone , business navigator , call center and industrial application are growing very quickly .