
  1. 论叶圣陶语文教育理论的科学观

    Scientific viewpoint of Ye Sheng Tao 's Theories on Chinese Education

  2. 其作品浓郁的抒情韵味和哲理色彩,上接叶圣陶早期的童话创作,下启新时期抒情派童话,代表了中国童话作品的一种形态。

    His works stands for a type of fairy tales in China .

  3. 德国的忧郁和中国的彷徨:叶圣陶的小说《倪焕之》

    German Melancholy and Chinese Restlessness : YE Sheng-tao s novel NI Huan-zhi ;

  4. 论叶圣陶的文学教育思想

    On Ye Sheng-tao ′ s Thought of Literary Education

  5. 论叶圣陶的语文教材观浅谈语文新教材的阅读观

    A Superficial Discussion about the Concept of Reading in the New Chinese Course Book

  6. 从1927年开始叶圣陶编辑《小说月报》。

    From 1927 Ye edited the Xiaoshuo yuehao ( " Fiction Monthly " ) .

  7. 叶圣陶设法离开上海来到了北京。

    He managed to leave Shanghai for Beijing .

  8. 穷愁人生的痛苦呻吟&叶圣陶悲剧小说论

    The Miserable Complaints of the Poor and Distressed Lives On Ye Sheng-tao 's Tragic Novels

  9. 时代的浪潮,躲避不见得有益。(叶圣陶)

    It is no good to keep yourself away from the tides of the time .

  10. 叶圣陶关于阅读习惯的论述是他语文教育思想的重要组成部分。

    Ye Shengtao 's theory on reading habit is one important part of his educational thought .

  11. 杯筷陈设在个人面前,暖锅里发出滋滋的有味的声音。(叶圣陶:《倪焕之》)

    Wines-cups and chopsticks were laid out , and a delicious sizzling sound came from the chafing dish .

  12. 最好是能够建立一个以整本书为主体的语文教科书序列,这也是叶圣陶读整本书思想的核心所在。

    The teachers should make an array of the Chinese textbooks to the entire book as the main part .

  13. 日本投降后,叶圣陶又回到上海,但他很快就因为参加了民主运动而面临着迫害。

    He returned to Shanghai after Japan 's defeat and soon faced persecution for his participation in the democracy movement .

  14. 叶圣陶的文学教育思想具有自身特色,对于今天的语文教育仍有启示意义。

    Ye Shengtao ′ s thought of literary education has its special characteristic and is significant to today ′ s education .

  15. 从叶圣陶童话创作中的自我象征艺术,我们能够看出他杂糅西方艺术和中国文学传统的“创新和进步”。

    From the self-symbol art of Yeshengtao , we can find his creativity in fusing west art and Chinese literature tradition ;

  16. 叶圣陶的写作理论,主要是针对中学生学习写作而发,具有较强的针对性。

    The theory of his writing theory , with strong pertinence , chiefly focuses on the writing study of middle school students .

  17. 教是为了达到不需要教是叶圣陶阅读教学思想的核心。

    " Teaching is for the sake of no needing teaching " is the core of Ye Sheng-tao 's reading teaching approach .

  18. 叶圣陶认为中学语文教科书应该采用整本书或者以整本书为主体。

    In his opinion , Secondary school language textbook should adopt a whole book or take the whole book as the main body .

  19. 略读理论是叶圣陶阅读理论的一个重要组成部分,运用叶圣陶的略读理论指导中学生的课外阅读,有很重要的现实意义。

    Skimming constitutes an important part of Ye Shengtao 's Reading Theory , which is of practical significance in instructing middle school students'extracurricular reading .

  20. 叶圣陶的短篇小说已经被选译成英语,选集名为《潘先生是如何经受住暴风雨的》(1987)。

    A selection of Ye 's short stories was translated into English and published as How Mr. Pan Weathered the Storm ( 1987 ) .

  21. 叶圣陶先生曾经说过,什么是教育?简单一句话,就是养成习惯。

    Mr. Ye Sheng Tao had once spoken ", what had been education ? The simplicity is to form a habit in a word " .

  22. 叶圣陶中学毕业后做了小学教员。1914年开始写短篇文言小说,发表在数家期刊上。

    Ye taught at primary schools after his graduation from secondary school and in 1914 began writing short stories in classical Chinese for several periodicals .

  23. 叶圣陶在做教师的同时也做编辑,1922年他和朱自清一起创办了《诗》月刊。

    He worked as a teacher and editor and , with Zhu Ziqing , founded the monthly Shi ( " poetry " ) in 1922 .

  24. 本文从叶圣陶长达七十年的出版实践入手,在详实的史料基础上,分三个部分论述了叶圣陶编辑思想的形成、具体内涵及对当今出版的启示。

    Owing to its advanced publishing and editorial thought , the publication of it stood out as a milestone in the history of publication in China .

  25. 叶圣陶写作教学观产生于特定的时代,融合了当时国内外先进的思想文化,更有着鲜明的民族特色;

    Originating from his specific age , Ye 's philosophy on writing tutoring absorbed the advanced thoughts and culture both home and abroad , resulting in a marked national characteristic .

  26. 1931年日军入侵奉天(今沈阳)之后,叶圣陶举家迁至战时首都重庆,又重新当起了教师。

    Following the Japanese invasion of Mukden ( now Shenyang ) in 1931 , Ye moved with his family to the wartime capital of Chongqing , where he resumed teaching .

  27. 叶圣陶(1894~1988),原名叶绍钧,字圣陶。作家、教育家,主要以白话小说闻名。

    Ye Shengtao ( 1894 ~ 1988 ) , original name Ye Shaojun , courtesy name Shengtao , was a Chinese writer and teacher known primarily for his vernacular fiction .

  28. 剖析叶圣陶自身审美素养和对诗词艺术的独特体验,以及叶圣陶长期从事语文教育的工作需要和朋友圈子对其形成诗化风格的影响。

    The analysis his own aesthetic quality and unique experience in poetry , art , and his long been engaged in language education needs and circle of friends formed the poetic style .

  29. 在叶圣陶看来,语文课程需要进行听说读写的能力训练,需要帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯,培养学生欣赏文字的素养。

    Language courses need to train the ability to listen 、 speak 、 read and write . It need to develop good reading habits , teach students appreciate the quality of the text .

  30. 叶圣陶的文学教育思想是其文学思想与教育思想融合的产物。

    As a writer , educator and the leader in education circles , Ye Sheng-tao ′ s thought of literary education is the result of the mergence of his theory of literature and education .