
  1. 郑观应救助弱势群体的策略分析

    Analysis of Zheng guan-ying 's tactics in helping weak groups

  2. 买办郑观应的爱国意识和民族资本家的本质

    Comprador ZHENG Guan-ying 's Patriotic Consciousness and National Capitalist Nature

  3. 试论清末实业经营家郑观应的经济管理思想

    The Economic and Management Thought of ZHENG Guan - ying

  4. 郑观应的医事活动与医学思想

    Zheng Guanying : His medical activities and medical ideas

  5. 论郑观应的国际法思想

    Zheng Guangying 's Ideology of International Laws

  6. 本文论述了19世纪后半叶有开拓型的经济企业管理家郑观应的经济管理思想。

    ZHENG Guan - ying is a pioneering enterpriser and manager in the late 19th century .

  7. 郑观应是这一思想的积极倡导者。在逆境的时候,要自强不息,积极乐观。

    And at times of adversity , we have to equip ourselves better and remain optimistic .

  8. 郑观应既有民族优越观,又有民族平等观,二者的对立,在他资本主义商业民族观中又得到统一。

    ZhengGuan-ying 's nationality superiority view and nationality equality view are unified in his capitalism merchandise nationality view .

  9. 郑观应是我国近代化历程中的主要代表人物。

    Zheng Guan-ying was one of the main representative figures in the course of modernization in our country .

  10. 郑观应通过对近代国际法的深刻理解与认识,初步形成了较为系统的国际法思想。

    Based on his keen insight into modern international laws , Zheng Guanying develops his own relatively systematic thoughts of international laws .

  11. 郑观应在其长期的商务生涯中,与晚清社会的洋务、维新、革命三派的代表人物都发生过重要联系。

    As a businessman , he had close connection with three parties of late Qing society : foreign business , politics innovation and revolution .

  12. 郑观应在教育实践上没有什么惊人的举动,但是他的教育思想在中国近代教育史上占有一定的地位。

    He has no shocking action on educational experience , but his educational ideas has a definite place in the history of Chinese modern education .

  13. 郑观应是清末洋务运动重要代表人物,他的边防思想是其政治思想的重要组成部分,也是晚清社会上层阶级边防思想的反映,并对清季乃至民国时期的边防产生了积极影响。

    His defense frontier ideology is not only an important part of his political ideology , but also the reflection of defense frontier ideology of upper class in later Qing Dynasty .

  14. 郑观应的经济思想在唤起民族觉醒,探索民族振兴之路,推动近代工商业发展,捍卫国家经济利益等方面起了积极的作用。

    Zheng Guan-ying 's economic ideas played a positive role in arousing national consciousness , exploring the road of national rejuvenation , promoting modern industrial and business development and defending the national economic interests .

  15. 长期以来,郑观应的生平活动和他的代表著作《盛世危言》,以其对当时社会所产生的巨大震撼及对后世所产生的深远影响,而引起了众多学者的研究兴趣。

    For a long time , his activities of life and representative book " Blunt Words in Times of Peaces and Prosperity ", which caused a great stir in the society at that time and immensely influenced the later generations .

  16. 郑观应介绍了西方各国日报的情况,对近代中国报业发展中存在的问题进行了分析,阐述了日报的“通民隐,达民情”的基本功能,强调了创办代表自己利益的报纸的必要性。

    After an introduction to the Western daily papers , Zheng Guanying makes an analysis into the problems in the industry of Chinese daily papers , expounds its basic functions , emphasizes the necessity of establishing daily papers on their own behalf .