
  1. 正如我之前所说,可视化Rails工作台所生成的代码是完全“常规的”Rails模板。

    As I mentioned earlier , the files generated by the Visual Rails Workbench are all completely ' normal ' Rails templates .

  2. Hukou(户口)的中文意思是户籍登记,该词已被新华社和中国中央电视台所广泛采用。

    Hukou means household registration in Chinese and has been widely used by Xinhua news agency and China Central Television .

  3. 于训练1h后和1周后分别进行5次测试,记录每次到达避难台所需时间。

    The mice were tested for 5 times respectively at 1 hour and 1 day after training , the needed time for the mice to reach the refuge platform every time was recorded .

  4. 在研究中使用了地方和区域地震台所记录的433个浅源和中深源地震的到时资料来反演求解深至200km的三维速度结构。

    We used arrival time data from 433 shallow and intermediate - depth earthquakes recorded by local and regional seismic stations to invert for the three - dimensional ( 3-D ) seismic velocity structure .

  5. 他们看电视台所播放的一切节目。

    They watch whatever the TV broadcast stations offer .

  6. 菲尤家的电话号码和福克斯电视台所设的免费投票电话号码十分相近。

    The Fews'phone number closely resembles the tollfree number Fox uses to let viewers vote for their favorite contestants .

  7. 深圳市气象台所发布的黄、红、蓝色暴雨信号是历史上次数最多,最频繁之一。

    Rain storm warning signals issued by Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory during that time were the most frequent in history .

  8. 对于云南地震,温州台所测定的震级明显偏高,需加震源校正。

    For Yunnan earthquake , the magnitude determined by Wenzhou Station is remarkably higher , so a source correction is necessary .

  9. 统计得出了各台所对应的地震震级与自相关系数异常面积和震中距的经验公式。

    Empirical formulas between magnitude , anomalous area of the autocorrelation coefficients and epicentral distance for every station are statistically obtained .

  10. 带门槛的环形搜索移动性管理策略中移动台所越过的位置区环数

    The Number of Location Area Rings Crossed by a Mobile Between Two Call Arrivals in the Ring Search Scheme with a Threshold

  11. 虽然女性传媒工作者在现代社会中扮演着重要角色,但由于传统的现念,她们在报纸、电台和电视台所处的地位却较低。

    Although female journalists play an important role they get inferior positions in news agencies and radio-television stations because of the orthodox prejudice .

  12. 本文分析了造成雷击的原因,介绍了我台所采取的避雷方法。

    The reason to cause lightning strike is discussed here , and the lightning prevention method that is used in our station is introduced .

  13. 并根据试验台所进行的试验项目以及需要实现的功能,设计了综合性能试验台的总体结构。

    Then , according to the test items and the functions needed to realized , the overall structure of the comprehensive performance test-bed is designed .

  14. 常见韵律环带,费氏台所测环带核心与边缘An相差18&26号。

    There is always rhythmic zone existing , and An differs from 18 to 26 between the core and the edge by the universed stage .

  15. 在服务台所处环境不发生改变的特殊情况下,得到了与经典M/M/1排队系统一致的有关结果。

    The special case , that is , non-changing environment , and obtain the corresponding results for the classic M / M / 1 queueing system .

  16. 本文就高压架空送电线路设计中,按实际工程情况计算短波无线电收信台所需防护间距时,环境噪声电平取值问题进行了初步探讨。

    The level value for environmental noise when calculating the necessary protective space of shortwave wireless receiver in the design of high voltage trolly wire was discussed .

  17. 在淮阳附近的平粮台所发现的这座古城,距今已经有超过4600年的历史,是中国最古老的城市之一。

    The ancient city site founded at Pingliangtai ( near Huaiyang ) is over 4600 years old , which is one of the oldest cities in China .

  18. 胶质,凝胶,气泡,沸腾和冷却,这些只是宇航员通过这个实验台所要学习的部分领域。

    Colloids , gels , bubbles , boiling and cooling are just a few of the long list of areas astronauts will study using the fluids rack .

  19. 本文介绍了为自行设计的气体动压润滑轴承起停试验台所配备的高温装置的组成、结构和原理。

    The composition , structure and principle of high temperature service for start stop test bench of gas dynamic lubricated bearing designed and made by ourselves is described in the paper .

  20. 清末阿尔泰地区科布多、塔尔巴哈台所属哈萨克因天灾人祸,迁徙至新疆腹地。

    The kazak people fled in the Altai region in the end of the Qing dynasty because of their natural and man-made disasters , and eventually fled to the hinterland of Xinjiang province .

  21. 新浪微博是中国最为流行的微型博客服务平台,它也是被中国大陆多数报纸和电视台所推崇的平台,那些报纸和电视台在微博上都有数百万的粉丝。

    Sina Weibo is the most popular of China 's micro-blogging services , and it is the preferred platform for most mainland Chinese newspapers and TV stations , which have millions of followers .

  22. 文中综合了上届学长对自动变速器试验台所做动力设备匹配的工作,论述了台架机械结构,信号采集及仪表,发动机工况模拟控制,阻力工况模拟控制等内容。

    The thesis synthesized upperclassman 's work of power equipment matching , discussed signal collect and meter , electric power , control circuit , engine operating condition simulation control , resistance operating condition simulation control , test application software etc.

  23. 每一单元可以记录36路模拟量和72路开关量;采用分布式、模块化设计技术,可以分散安装在屏柜中,也可以通过10M/100M以太网联到一台所级计算机或远传到调度中心。

    IED adopts the design method of the distributed module , can be installed dispersedly in cabinet or be linked to a management computer , and it can transfer data to far control center via 10 M / 100M Ethernet .

  24. 为此有必要构建一种评价某气象台所使用的2种不同降雨量预测方法精确性的模型,同时也应该在模型中考虑到公众的感受。

    For this , it is necessary to build a model to estimate the accuracy of two different approaches to rainfall-forecast used at a meteorological station , at the same time , to consider the feeling of the public in model is also necessary .

  25. 为了减少因避台所产生的绕航经济损失,船舶应选择合适的时机回到计划航线上行驶或恢复计划航速,因此,本文对复航航线和复速时间进行了研究。

    In order to reduce the economic looses , the ship should return to the planned route or resume the planned speed at a proper time , so this paper studies on the route to return to the planed route or the time to resume the planed speed .

  26. 在IPnumber项后面,输入你为这台主机所分配的IP地址。

    Enter the IP address for the hostname that you 've assigned for this computer next to IP number .

  27. 一旦您完成了这些步骤,您就可以编写一个客户机(它请求这台服务器所支持的所有Web服务的列表),选择其中的一个服务并调用它。

    Once you complete these steps , you can write a client that asks for a list of all web services supported by this server , select one of those services , and invoke it .

  28. Eclipse还附带了一个健壮的帮助系统,其中包括Eclipse工作台以及所包括的插件(比如Java开发工具)的用户指南。

    Eclipse also comes with a robust help system that includes user guides for the Eclipse workbench and the included plug-ins such as the Java Development Tools .

  29. 飞机上的一种无线电导航设备,通过测量电波往返飞机和预选地面(DME)台之间所需要的时间来确定两者间的距离。

    A radio navigational aid for determining the distance from a selected DME ground station by measuring the time of transmission to and from it .

  30. 凭借该特性,iPhone可以创建最多由5台设备所公用的虚拟热点;3个通过WiFi,3个通过蓝牙,一个通过USB。

    This allows the iPhone to create a virtual hotspot for use by up to five devices ; three over WiFi , three over bluetooth and one over USB .