
  • 网络the Gutian River
  1. 古田溪三级平板支墩坝动抗滑稳定分析

    Seismic sliding stability analysis of a flat slab buttress dam

  2. 古田溪二级大坝水平位移监控模型的研究

    Application Research of Gutian River Second Stage Dam Displacement Supervision and Control Model

  3. 综合上述研究成果,利用数据挖掘技术和可视化技术,以古田溪一级大坝为例,开发了福建省大坝健康诊断及其预警系统。

    Data mining technique and visual technique is used to develop dam health diagnosis and early-warning System for Fujian province .

  4. 介绍了改性灌浆水泥的技术性能,以及在古田溪三级电站大坝基础加固施工中采取的技术措施。

    In this paper , introduced are the technical indexes of the improved grouting cement and technical measures adopted in the foundation reinforcement in Gutianxi Third Step Dam Project .

  5. 以福建省古田溪流域梯级大坝为例,开发了相应的大坝远程健康诊断系统。

    For the Gu Tianxi cascade dams in Fujian province as example , the dam remote health diagnose system is developed , and the constitution of system and function are studied .

  6. 利用该程序对古田溪一级重力坝进行了地震烈度7度的抗震计算,得出了一些有价值的结论。

    By using this program , seismic computation of the gravity dam of Gutianxi first cascade under the earthquake intensity of7 degrees is carried out , and some valuable results are obtained .

  7. 通过水质分析、环境水对帷幕的作用、坝基渗漏水分析、坝基扬压力变化分析对古田溪一级大坝帷幕目前的状况进行综合评价。

    The present operating behaviors of the impervious curtain of the dam are evaluated comprehensively through analyzing the water quality , the action of environmental water on the curtain , the seepage water of the dam foundation and the variation of uplift pressure of the dam foundation .