
Open Yale course : Introduction to Ancient Greek History .
The Issue of Linguistic Worldview : Its Classical Greek Origin and Developmental Changes
In the Greek tradition , the philosopher Socrates is the model of a wise and humble man .
But recent studies show that there were some links between the Dark Age and the Mycenaean age and many important changes occurred in Greece society in the Dark Age .
If we do that , the Greeks would have said , " That is stupid and absurd to think for ten seconds you 'll realize that 's no good . "
Harmony thinking as the core and soul of the social history always exist in the ancient Greece Social history .
My mind opened naturally and joyously to a conception of antiquity . Greece , ancient Greece , exercised a mysterious fascination over me .
The first part mainly researches the cultural background of ancient Greek and Rome history in order to quest the origin of pragmatic historical concept .
Reconciliation of Reason and Apocalypse & Study on Historical Admission of Christianity to Greek Philosophy
The authors carried out a multi-area analysis on the historical merits of sports in ancient Greece in terms of society , politics , culture , and education .
The Homer era is the historical origin of civilization of ancient Greece , and a historical period depicted and reflected in Homer 's Epic to the utmost .
They recount the French Baron Pierre de Coubertin's19th-century struggle to spread the movement and explain the Games'history in ancient Greece .
Sadly , the glorious Greek Empire is long gone .
On the historical evolution of the natural law in ancient Greece and Roman
Its originating in ancient Athens has its historical , geographic , economic and social context .
The emblem is a reference to the ancient Olympic Games , where the olive wreath was the official award given to winning athletes .
The rise of advanced social organization and the outstanding achievements of aesthetic appreciation represents the historical level of the ancient Greeks ' social civilization , and all of them are of important research value in the history of civilization development .
Such heavy infantry system is a more perfect military system , from the study of which we could learn more about the process of military development in ancient Greek and restore the whole historical feature of ancient Greek .