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gǔ yǐ yǒu zhī
  • It has existed since ancient times;have existed since ancient times
古已有之[gǔ yǐ yǒu zhī]
  1. 他们古已有之。

    They have existed since ancient times .

  2. 美育作为人生塑造的观念,中西均古已有之,我国先秦时期就提出了人格塑造的问题。

    The esthetic education took the life mold the idea , China and the West have existed since ancient times , our country pre-Qin period asked the personality mold question .

  3. 但是类型的混淆,古已有之。

    But confusions over the two genres have a long history .

  4. 自首制度在我国,古已有之,并且有着悠久的历史。

    The system of surrender has a long history in ancient China .

  5. 孔子的学术风格是坚定保留古已有之的华夏文化精神。

    Confucian academic style was to retain firmly Chinese old cultural spirit .

  6. 行政许可制度在我国古已有之。

    The administrative licensing has already emerged in ancient China .

  7. 对话,在教育教学领域内的运用,古已有之。

    " Dialogue " was utilized in the education from ancient times .

  8. 教育公平是古已有之的美好理想。

    The education justice is an ancient bright ideal .

  9. 恢复古已有之的传统、权利、礼仪等

    Restore ancient traditions , rights , ceremonies , etc

  10. 连带责任古已有之。

    Joint and several liability existed since ancient times .

  11. 朝贡贸易作为一种官方贸易,古已有之。

    Tributary trade as a official trade , has existed since ancient time .

  12. 非战争军事行动作为军事力量运用的重要方式,古已有之。

    Over All Capability Improvement Research of Army On-site Management in Non-war Operation ;

  13. 救助活动,古已有之,源远流长。

    Relief activities , ancient , ancient times .

  14. 旅游文学古已有之。

    Tourism literature existed even in ancient times .

  15. 商业秘密,古已有之。

    Commercial secrets has been existing from ancient .

  16. 荫庇行为古已有之,它与中国历史紧密相连。

    Asylum behavior is from ancient , it is closely connected with the Chinese history .

  17. 道德功利古已有之。

    Moral utility existed from ancient times .

  18. 在教学中,教师借助其他工具和手段,这是古已有之的。

    During the class , teachers are using tools and methods since the ancient time .

  19. 社团一词在我国并非古已有之,其是一个近代语词。

    It is only a modern word .

  20. 但是就像中国的很多东西一样,新的风尚其实古已有之。

    But like many things in China , what 's new isn 't that new .

  21. 把事物划分为现象与本体,古已有之。

    There has been existed the opinion to divide things into phenomenon and noumenon since ancient times .

  22. 道德修养是一个古已有之并对现代人充满魅力的话题。

    Moral cultivation is an ancient topic , which still has a fascination for the modern man .

  23. 不同文化之间的人们的交往古已有之,源远流长。

    The communication among different cultures has begun from ancient era , which has been of long standing .

  24. 历史研究运用社会调查的方法,古已有之,但将之用于历史教学尚不多见。历史教学中社会调查的主要内容有家庭史、社区史、学校史,访问亲历者或知情人以及历史考察等。

    In history teaching , the social investigations mainly include family history , community history and school history etc.

  25. 仲裁作为解决国际商事纠纷的一项同诉讼并驾齐驱的重要制度,古已有之。

    Arbitration , as an important system to solve international commercial disputes besides lawsuits , has a long history .

  26. 公园作为人类社会交往媒介的作用古已有之。

    It has been exited since ancient times that park serves as the role of human social interaction media .

  27. 整体论的思想古已有之,在古希腊文明中它以有机整体论的形式出现。

    Holism idea is of great age , it appeared in the form of organic holism in Old Greece Culture .

  28. 无被害人犯罪古已有之,但是作为一个专门的法律术语而纳入犯罪学研究领域却是晚近的事情。

    No-victim crime existed in ancient society , but until recent times it became a specialized legal terminology in criminological research .

  29. 人本管理的思想古已有之,我们的祖先早在两千多年以前就有诸多深刻精辟的论述。

    Human-centered management came into being at the ancient times . More than 2000 years ago our ancestors expounded it brilliantly .

  30. 营销美的概念古已有之,并且在现代市场营销活动中也有诸多体现;

    The notion of marketing esthetic has already been in ancient times , and has been existed in modern market activities .