
  1. 考古旅游是以考古活动、考古发现的古代物质文化遗存为旅游吸引物,具有游览观光、学习求知,参与体验、休闲娱乐等功能的专项旅游。

    Archaeological tourism is based on archaeological activities and the cultural remains discovered in archaeology , which consists of sight-seeing , learning , experiencing , and relaxing functions .

  2. 古城历史地段作为古代物质文化遗存与非物质文化遗产的集聚地,是城市历史文明的内核和载体,是不可再生、不可复制的历史资源。

    As the gather places of material and cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage , historic districts of historic cities , which are non-renewable historical resources , are vectors of urban civilization .

  3. 古代玉器作为物质文化被应用于祭祀、礼仪、丧葬、装饰、医药等领域;

    The ancient jade carvings , as a substance culture , are applied to sacrifices , etiquette , funeral , ornamentation , medicine and so on .