
  1. 利用各种渠道与大型机械制造企业形成废旧物资回收关系。

    Use of various channels and large-scale machinery manufacturing enterprises form of waste material recycling relations .

  2. 为客户提供全方位的废旧物资回收和相关材料贸易服务。

    Supply all the services of waste , scrap materials and relevant materials trade for our customers .

  3. 金融风暴中循环经济的一个悖论&论保护废旧物资回收利用体系政策

    An antinomy of circular economy in finance storm & the discussion about the policy of protecting used-material recycling system

  4. 建立绿色社会消费体系,实施垃圾的分类收集和处理,加强废旧物资的回收管理是循环社会建设的关键;

    It is important for circular society to establish the system of green social consumption , carry out collecting and disposing garbages in sort , and to reinforce the management of callback deposed foreign capital .