
kǒu lún zā jī
  • 熟语Orbicularis oris muscle;basiator
  1. Meige综合征患者咬肌和口轮匝肌肌电图分析对肌张力障碍的评估作用

    Role of electromyographic analysis of masseter and orbicularis oris in evaluating myodystonia of patients with Meige syndrome

  2. C唇瓣向外、上旋转与鼻翼基底的口轮匝肌缝合,以提供对鼻翼的支撑及加高鼻堤;鼻唇沟真皮下血管网皮瓣血液循环可靠,再造鼻翼的臃肿程度大大减轻。

    The orbicularis oris muscle flap was designed as the " C " lip flap and rotated upward and outward to be sewn with the orbicularis oris muscle of basis nasi , which could provide extra support for alae nasi and increase the height of agger nasi .

  3. 15s组神经传导抑制时间(46±12)d,大部分髓鞘重度板层间开离,轴突轻度变性,口轮匝肌纤维的Z带轻度变形。

    Nerve conduction inhibition time of compression for 15s group was ( 46 ± 12 ) d. Severe lamina separation of most myelin sheath was observed . Axon mildly degenerated .

  4. 术式选择Millard法,即旋转推进法,同时进行口轮匝肌重建。

    With selecting skill type of Millard law ( i.e. spin-carry law forward ), at the same time carried out ship circle muscle reconstruction .

  5. 目的:分析Meige综合征患者咀嚼和吞咽运动时,咬肌和口轮匝肌的半自动节律性运动中的肌电图改变的特征。

    AIM : To analyze the characteristics of changes of masseter and orbicularis oris electromyogram ( EMG ) during the semi-autorhythmic exercise of the patients with Meige syndrome when they are chewing and swallowing .

  6. 结果:口轮匝肌分深浅二层。

    Results : Orbicularis oris muscles had deep and superficial layers .

  7. 兔口轮匝肌失神经及不同时间再支配后的透射电镜观察

    TEM Observation of Denervated and Reinnervated Rabbit Orbicularis Oris in Different Time

  8. 唇裂者口轮匝肌的解剖学研究

    Anatomical study of orbicularis oris muscle in cleft lip

  9. 结果:患侧额枕肌额腹及口轮匝肌恢复时间在性别上差异无显著性;

    Result : The recovery time of frontal muscle and orbicularis between sexes was not significant .

  10. 豚鼠面神经失神经支配后口轮匝肌琥珀酸脱氢酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶酶活性观察

    The observation on succinate dehydrogenase and acetylcholinesterase changes of M.oris in guinea pigs after facial nerve denervation

  11. 支配眼轮匝肌和支配口轮匝肌的神经传导速度的临床和实验研究

    Conductive velocity of the efferent nerve EOR orbicularis oculi and oris muscles an experimental and clinic study

  12. 同时对手术的适应证,口轮匝肌重建的标准作了讨论。

    The indications of the operation designs and the criteria in the management of orbicular muscle is analyzed .

  13. 目的:探讨不同程度失神经支配后,眼轮匝肌和口轮匝肌的形态学变化。

    Objective : To explore the morphological changes in orbicularis oculi muscle and orbicularis oris muscle after denervation .

  14. 生理学教授接吻是两块口轮匝肌在收缩状态时并置在一起。

    Prof. of Physiology : Kiss is the juxtaposition of two orbicularis oris muscles in the state of contraction .

  15. 目的探讨解剖学重建双侧唇裂的口轮匝肌功能,减少术后畸形。

    Objective To reconstruct the function of orbicular muscle of mouth in bilateral cheiloschisis patients and reduce the postoperative deformities .

  16. 尽量保留颊部软组织,行肌功能修整,恢复口轮匝肌环形结构;

    Buccal soft tissues were remained as far as possible , functional muscle trimming was done to repair ring structure of musculus orbicularis oris .

  17. 方法:应用口轮匝肌解剖学和功能性整复修复,对单侧完全唇裂术后畸形进行。

    Methods : The anatomic figuration of musculus orbicularis oris and functional repair were employed to cure postoperative deformity of unilateral complete cleft lip .

  18. 结果额枕肌额腹和口轮匝肌I/t曲线有扭结与无扭结者的恢复时间、性别无显著性差异;

    ResultsThe recovery time of frontal muscle and orbicularis between twist and non-twist in I / t curve and in sex was not significant .

  19. 结论双侧唇裂行口轮匝肌解剖学重建术,可获得满意的外形及功能效果。

    Conclusion The excellent lip contour and the functional effect could be obtained through the dissecting reconstruction of orbicular muscle of mouth in bilateral cheiloschisis .

  20. 扫描电镜观察各1周组、1月组口轮匝肌次级突触间隙面积的变化。

    The change of the secondary synaptic space area of musculus orbicularis oris in 1 week and 1 month group was observed via scanning electron microscope .

  21. 目的观察豚鼠面神经失神经支配后口轮匝肌有氧代谢能力、神经递质传递及运动终板变化。

    Objective The changes of aerobic metabolism , neurotransmitter transmitting and motor end plate in musculus orbicularis oris ( m.oris ) of guinea pigs after denervation were observed .

  22. 结果解决了新生儿唇裂整复术因上唇嫩小,结构特征难以准确对合及口轮匝肌重建等问题。

    Results The problems of restoring skill of newborn babies ′ s cleft lip because of labrum tender little , structural feature hardly accurate for suit , and ship circle muscle reconstruction .

  23. 方法:制作豚鼠面神经不同损伤程度的面神经麻痹实验模型,应用透射电镜扫描电镜观察面神经和口轮匝肌超微结构变化。

    Methods : 30 guinea pig models of facial nerve paralysis with different degrees of facial nerve injury were made and ultrastructural changes of facial nerve and musculus orbicularis oris were observed by transmission and scanning electron microscope respectively .

  24. 除60d15s组两肌的线粒体和运动终板已基本恢复正常外,其他各组眼轮匝肌线粒体和运动终板的病变程度均较口轮匝肌明显。

    The mitochondria and motor endplate of the two muscles rehabilitated in the 60d 15s group . In the other groups , the degree of injury of mitochondria and motor endplate was more serious in musculus orbicularis oculi than in musculus orbicularis oris .

  25. 目的:探讨面神经麻痹时眼轮匝肌支配神经(面神经眼支)和口轮匝肌支配神经(面神经口支)受损伤程度差异的解剖学原因。

    Objective : The aim of the study was to study the anatomical causes of difference between the injury degrees of dominant nerve of orbicular muscle of eye ( DNOME ) and that of dominant nerve of orbicular muscle of mouth ( DNOMM ) when facial nerve were paralyzed .