
  • 网络cyclostomes
  1. 那些猫一口鱼也不吃,我感到非常奇怪。

    I 'm surprised that the cat don 't eating fish .

  2. 鲤鱼吃掉了琼裂鳍亚口鱼作为栖息地的植物。

    The carp eat plants that the suckers use as hiding places .

  3. 密西西比河流域的几种大型亚口鱼。大西洋西部水域中纺锤形小鱼。

    Any of several large suckers of the Mississippi valley . small fusiform fish of western Atlantic .

  4. 犹他州希望将数百万鲤鱼转移,以保护犹他湖特有的濒危物种琼裂鳍亚口鱼。

    The state wants to remove millions of carp to protect an endangered species Utah Lake , the June sucker fish .

  5. 台湾东部、北部及西南部海域有许多稀奇古怪的深海鱼类,主要种类包括灯笼鱼、口鱼、尾鳕、海及深海鲨鱼等。

    Off eastern , northeastern and southwestern Taiwanese waters , there are many weird deep-sea fishes , including lanternfishes , dragonfishes , rattail fishes , deep-sea Anglerfishes and sharks .

  6. 正如吸附在鲸鱼身上的亚口鱼一样,犯罪商业(包括洗钱)伏在水下、小心谨慎,通常用现金交易,而且难以捕捉,因为它能够轻易游到其他地方。

    Like a sucker fish riding on a whale , criminal commerce , including money-laundering , is submerged , discreet , usually in cash and hard to capture as it can just swim off somewhere else .

  7. 他是最近新出版的《实验人》的作者,他将科学思想投入试验探索到底吃一口鱼他能同时吃下多少的水银和其他的有毒物质。

    David Ewing Duncan , author of the newly released book ," Experimental Man ," put science to the test to find out just how much mercury and other toxins he was ingesting with each bite of fish .

  8. 一次或多次生育后,宫颈外口呈现鱼嘴样裂口。

    The os will have a fish-mouth shape after one or more pregnancies .

  9. 结果:Glu细胞在齐口裂腹鱼肠道中以中肠分布最密集,前肠和后肠分布密度较低;

    Results : the distribution density of Glu cells is higher in the midgut , lower in the foregut and hindgut of S.prenanti ;

  10. 应用GC和GC-MS分析了闽江口采的鱼、贝类样品中DDT,BHC及石油的残留量。

    The residue analysis of DDT , BHC and petroleum in the fishes and shellfishes collected from the Minjiang estuary has been undertaken with GC and GC-MS.

  11. 只见猫妈妈一口叼住鱼,敏捷跑开了。

    Mother cat held it in her mouth and nm away quickly .

  12. 丹江口水库凶猛鱼集团生长特性组型的聚类分析

    Analysis of clustering on growth of predatory fish guild in the Danjiangkou Reservoir

  13. 重口裂腹鱼消化道黏液细胞类型及分布研究

    Robotic Fish The Study of the Mucous Cells in the Digestive of Schizothorax davidi

  14. 结论:重口裂腹鱼消化道形态组织结构具典型肉食性鱼类结构特征;

    Conclusion : the digestive tract of Schizothorax davidi shows the characteristics of carnivorous fishs .

  15. 齐口裂腹鱼肌肉脂肪酸的组成有三个特点:不饱和脂肪酸的含量高于饱和脂肪酸;

    The composition of fatty acids had three characteristics . First , the content of UFA was higher than that of SFA .

  16. 采用石蜡组织切片和扫描电镜法,对齐口裂腹鱼卵巢发育进行了组织学研究。

    By using the routine method of wax section and scanning electron microscope , the development of the ovary of Schizothorax prenanti was studied .

  17. 本文在构造变形分析的基础上,厘定了大红口组和鱼库组的地层层序及上下关系。

    This paper discusses the stratigraphic sequence , geochemical feature and tectonic environment of Dahongkou Formation and Yuku Formation , Luanchuan area , Henan province .

  18. 清水中错过的咬口以为着鱼对饵看得太清楚,攻击并不强烈。这时候改变一下胶裙的颜色,可以有不同的结果。

    Misses in clear water could mean the fish are seeing the bait too well and aren 't attacking aggressively . A change in skirt colors could make a difference , too .

  19. 结果显示:重口裂腹鱼消化道黏液细胞可分为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型。

    The results showed the mucous cells in the digestive tract of Schizothorax davidi can be classified into 4 types : type I , type II , type III , type ⅳ .

  20. 其中一鸟口中仍含有鱼!

    One of them still carry a fish in its mouth !