
  • 网络superposition;Superposition Theorem
  1. 首先,根据频域PTR理论及叠加定理推导出时域PTR理论的温度场和辐射场表达式。

    Firstly , the temperature and radiation field theory of time domain PTR method was established according to the theory of frequency domain PTR technique and Superposition theorem .

  2. 一种基于支路共轭电流及其叠加定理的实用潮流追踪方法

    A Fast Methode of Current Tracing Based on Superposition Theorem

  3. 根据光电池线性区应用叠加定理建立的PN结光生伏特效应理论,阐述了PN结光生伏特效应在光电池非线性区的应用。

    Overlapping theory of PN junction applied to linear zone of photo cell has been built based on PN junction photovoltaic effect . In the paper , the application of overlapping principle to non linear zone of photo cell is presented .

  4. 这篇短文利用广义Duhamel原理,证明了无限叠加定理.这一定理为标准分析中的微元法,莫定了巩固的逻辑基础。

    In the present paper , we make use of the generalized Duhamel principle to justify Infinite Sum Theorem which laies a strict logical foundation for the infinitesimal element method in standard integral calculus .

  5. 含有受控源的线性网络的隐式叠加定理

    An Implicit Superposition Theorem of Linear Circuit with Dependent Sources

  6. 线性高阶电路的初始值和叠加定理

    The Initial Values and Superposition Theorem of Linear Higher-Order Circuit

  7. 叠加定理的数学表达式及其应用

    The Mathematical Expression and Application of the Superposition Theorem

  8. 叠加定理在割集分析法中的新应用

    New application of superposition theorem in cut aggregation analysis

  9. 叠加定理在非正弦周期电流电路中的应用分析

    Application of Superposition Theorem in Non-Sine Period Current Circuit

  10. 在叠加定理中处理线性受控源的一种新方法

    A New Method to process linear controlled source in application of superposition theorem

  11. 叠加定理在对称电路中的应用

    The Application of Superposition Theorem in Symmetrical Circuits

  12. 基于叠加定理的流动追踪问题

    Problem of Current Tracing Based on Superposition Theorem

  13. 叠加定理在非线性电阻电路中的应用

    Application of Superposition Theorem in Nonlinear-resisting Circuits

  14. 利用能量的一维特性,提出功率线性叠加定理;

    The linear power superposition theorem is proposed by the one dimension characteristics of energy .

  15. 与原来显式的叠加定理相比较,应用这一定理可以更有效地简化电路计算。

    In comparison with the original explicit superposition theorem , the application of this theorem can be more effective in simplifying the circuit calculation .

  16. 根据线性微分方程的叠加定理,在两时间尺度上对捷联惯导系统方程进行分析,重新编排了捷联速度算法。

    Based on the superposition theorem of linear differential equation , the SINS equation is analyzed . The strapdown algorithm is rearranged after predigesting the states equations in two-time scales .

  17. 提出一种新的电流追踪原则:节点功率按由叠加定理所确定电流的共轭比进行分配。

    A new electric current tracking principle is put forward that the node power is distributed according to the ratio of two conjugated current , which are confirmed by superposition theorem .

  18. 提出了计算线性高阶电路初始条件中各初始值的方法,并对线性高阶动态电路的叠加定理作出了证明。

    This paper presents a method for calculating the initial values in initial condition of the linear higher-order circuit and gives the proof for the superposition theorem of the linear higher-order dynamic circuit .

  19. 运用线性叠加定理求出具有多路输入电压信号的集成运算放大器的通用输出电压表达式,学生接受后,解题速度和质量都有明显提高。

    This paper deduces General Output Voltage Formula of Integrated Operational Amplifier with Multiplex Voltage Input by Principle of Linear Superposition . After comprehending it , the students can obviously work out problems faster and more easily .

  20. 在解线性时不变网络时,本文提出了一个新的方法,把叠加定理应用在割集分析法中,即用叠加定理来列割集分析法的方程。

    This paper presents a new method , which applies superposition to cut aggregation analysis , that issues superposition theorem to establish and get solution of equation of cut aggregation analysis in resolving linear time invariant network .

  21. 叠加定理被认为只是一种数值计算方法,还是其结果就是真实的电压、电流的物理分布?这个问题从现有的文献看还没有人研究过。

    Superposition theorem is thought just a kind of number calculation method , still its result is true of electric voltage and electric current of physics distribute ? This problem has not been studied from the existing documents .

  22. 对各种线性电路及某些非线性电路编写状态方程时,应用替代定理和叠加定理,则可免去消除非状态变量的复杂程序,达到快速而准确编写状态方程的目的。

    Superposition theorem and Substitution theorem are used to Write the state equations for linear and non-linear circuits , then complex programs for elimination of non-state variables can be avoided and the state equations are written quickly and accurately .

  23. 基于补偿法,建立了继电保护整定计算中故障计算的统一模型,在此基础上,根据叠加原理和互易定理,提出了一种继电保护整定计算中故障计算的通用方法。

    Based on compensation method , a unified model to calculate the faults for the setting of protective relayings is established . On this basis , according to the superposition theory and the reciprocal theory , a versatile method to calculate faults for protective relaying setting is presented .