
  • 网络Changer;Innovator;changemaker
  1. 改革受到了中产阶级支持变革者的普遍欢迎。

    Reform is popular with middle-class liberals .

  2. 变革者的核心工作是通过设计而创造未来。

    The core work of innovators is " creating future by designing " .

  3. 她还是我见过的最好的变革者。

    And she is still the best darn change-maker I have ever known .

  4. 他们如今想成为积极的变革者。

    They now want to be active changers .

  5. 不管他的所作所为是疯狂所致还是由于远见卓识,他都称得上一位变革者。

    He was certainly a revolutionary , propelled either by madness or by great vision .

  6. 以便这些今天一岁大的快乐的孩子成为明天自信的变革者。

    so that the happy little one-year-olds of today become the confident changemakers of tomorrow .

  7. 海斯特·白兰:孤独的社会变革者&试析霍桑的社会变革观

    Hester Prynne : A Lonely Social Reformer & On Hawthorne 's Views About Social Reform

  8. 社会变革者总是认为他们有更重要的事要做。

    The social reformers are of the opinion that they have more serious things to consider .

  9. 这让生活变得更好,因为她是一个变革者,她就是这么做的。

    It made life better because she 's a change-maker , that 's what she does .

  10. 对于所有的时装奴而言,“购前验效”的做法将会成为游戏的变革者。

    For fashion victims of every kind , " pre-purchase validation " could be a game-changer .

  11. 为弥补传统法人治理结构的缺陷,制度的变革者设计的独立董事制度是一种有效选择之一。

    For making up the deficiency , system reformer design independent director system is one of the useful choices .

  12. 霍布斯认为自己当为君王的导师,并是一位教育家和革新者,一位思想的变革者。

    Hobbes regards himself as an educator of princes , an educator and a transformer , a reformer of ideas .

  13. 比尔。克林顿也以变革者身份参选,但他要带来什么样的改变则相对不那么清晰。

    Bill Clinton also ran as a candidate of change , but it was much less clear what kind of change he was offering .

  14. 最新一个粉墨登场的变革者似乎是虚拟货币,而在这一领域,最大的玩家当然非比特币莫属。

    The latest such game-changer seems to be the arrival of virtual currencies , personified by the biggest player in that arena : bitcoin .

  15. 领导就是应对变化,但工业经济到知识经济的巨大转变要求组织的变革者&领导者必须首先实现自身的变革。

    Before leaders lead their organization to change the industry economy style to the knowledge economy style which is huge transformation , they have first to realize own transformation .

  16. 各地的女权倡导者、艺术家和变革者们继续进行着持续了几个世纪的奋斗,同时互联网又大大扩展了他们的受众,扩大了他们的声音。

    Activists , artists , and change makers everywhere continue to build upon centuries of incredible work , now that the Internet has dramatically expanded their reach and voice .

  17. 好吧,如果对手一直鼓吹“政府永远是很糟糕的,他们连两辆车的游行都会搞砸”这种言论,那么一个真正的变革者对于他们而言是胜选的有力威胁。

    Well , if you win elections on the theory that government is always bad and will mess up a two-car parade a real change-maker represents a real threat .

  18. 本章依据转型期村庄社会的特性,将村庄人物分为外来者、变革者、权力者、老者等类型。

    Based on the characteristics of the villages in the transitional period , we may divide the image of village characters into outsiders , reformers , village power , carers and other types .

  19. 因为她有无限的好奇心,她是个天生的领导者、优秀的组织者,而她也是我此生见过的最好的变革者。

    Well , she 's insatiably curious , she 's a natural leader , she 's a good organizer , and she 's the best darn change-maker I ever met in my entire life .

  20. 他在哥伦比亚广播公司《面向全国》节目中接受鲍勃-舒伊弗尔的采访,并做出上述表态。这项表态正好符合他震惊华盛顿的“变革者”的竞选身份。

    The vow , made in an interview taped with Bob Schieffer for CBS 's " Face the Nation ," fits with McCain 's new push to run as a reformer who would shake up Washington .

  21. 坦率地说,我认为自己没有资格跻身于获此殊荣的众多变革者之列是那些男女志士对和平的勇敢追求激励了我和整个世界。

    To be honest , I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who 've been honored by this prize , men and women who 've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace .

  22. 如果你对地域和复杂性不感兴趣,要知道它不是单一的黑白和,进行深入研究,事实上,你不能美化这个东西,那么我认为你不适合作为一名变革者。

    If you 're not interested in the geographies and the complexity of it , to know that it 's not black and white , to delve into that , the fact that you can 't glamorize this stuff , then I think you have no business in me being a changemaker .

  23. 因此,组织变革是管理者必须学习和研究的重要课题。

    Then , the organization change is a very important subject that the managers need to study .

  24. 这种转变是复杂的、昂贵的,而且从来不缺少这种变革的反对者。

    This shift can be complex , expensive and there is no shortage of opponents to the change .

  25. 知识观的演变与学校教育观的变革,二者之间存在着密切的关系。

    There is a close relation between the conceptual evolution of knowledge and the evaluation reform of teaching .

  26. 企业变革中管理者诚信的影响及对策的探讨

    A Study on the Effect and the Game in Connection with honesty and creditability of manager during enterprise reformation

  27. 本文的第二部分对流程再造、组织变革以及二者协同的基本理论进行了综述。

    In the second part , the theory of BPR and Organizational Transformation and their cooperative mechanism are summarized .

  28. 经济的不断发展,财政与会计的交替变革,二者形成了以利益为中心的错综复杂的关系。

    Constant development of the economy and alternative changes between finance and accounting form a intricate relation based on benefit .

  29. 父亲是个清苦的教师联合会的领导,也是一个政治变革的煽动者,周末常在安沙波列哥沙漠裸走。

    His father was a bitter teachers union organizer and political agitator who spent his weekends hiking nude in the Anza Borrego desert .

  30. 在课程改革者的眼中,教师是变革的实施者,教师专业发展是伴随着变革出现的副产品。

    In curriculum changers ' eyes , teachers are carriers of the change and teachers ' professional development is a by-product with appearance of the change ;